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Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
Everything You Need To Know about Miyazaki, Takahata, and Studio Ghibli

Miyazaki, Takahata, Studio Ghibli FAQ (Main FAQ)    [new]   10/20/97


Compiled by Ryoko Toyama, this FAQ contains answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Miyazaki, his colleagues, his studio, and their works. If that doesn't answer your questions, browse or search these pages or try the mailing list.


Disney / Tokuma Alliance FAQ

This FAQ is also available as a 5944-byte text file.

This FAQ was put together from the official announcement, newspaper articles, and information posted on the Miyazaki Mailing List. A great many thanks to Mr. TR Olsson from Disney, who provided valuable information to the Miyazaki Mailing List.


Miyazaki Mailing List and List Server FAQ

This FAQ is available as a 28K text file.

Compiled by Steven Feldman, founder of the Miyazaki mailing list, this FAQ answers Frequently Asked Questions about the mailing list, its list server, and how they can be used to search for files and messages that are still stored there.

(Many files on the server are more recent than those on the mailing list's server (


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