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The Miyazaki Mailing List
[ About the list ]

This page will introduce you to the Miyazaki Mailing List, and provide you with links to other sources of information about the list.

If you have a question to ask about the mailing list, please first make sure the answer isn't already here.

If the answer you're looking for isn't available here on the web site, please feel free to contact the list owners.


What is this Miyazaki ML / NAUSICAA ML?

This mailing list (ML) has different names, such as "Hayao Miyazaki Discussion Group", "Miyazaki mailing list", or "Nausicaa mailing list", but they all refer to this one mailing list devoted to MIYAZAKI Hayao (in Japanese, the family name is listed before a person's given name -- the opposite of European / Western custom).

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What is talked about on the mailing list?

The list involves discussion of subjects related to the anime (Japanese animation) & manga (Japanese comics) of Hayao Miyazaki.
He directed such films as: When talking about Miyazaki, one can't overlook his colleague Isao Takahata, who directed such films as: Other anime which is of a quasi-serious and/or progressive nature is also considered. This includes:

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What is NOT talked about on the mailing list?

Topics that are not permitted for discussion on this mailing list include:
The fan-subbing vs. dubbing holy war.
This mailing list is not a forum for discussing the pros and cons of fan subbing and fan dubbing in general. That has already been chewed to death on the various rec.arts.anime.* newsgroups, and does not need to be discussed here. If you want to compare a subtitled and dubbed version of a film which is on-topic for this list, that is fine, but do not post messages shouting "DUBS SUCK!" or "FANSUBS RULE!" If you do, you will receive a warning, then be kicked off the mailing list if you continue.
The possession and trading of fan-subs.
Please do not discuss trading fan-subs on this list. If you want to talk about it, please invite people to talk with you via private e-mail instead. Talking about trading fan-subtitled copies of anime which will be commercially released will encourage people not to buy them. This will not encourage companies to bring over any other titles.

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Who runs the list?

Sometimes called List Owners, List Co-Owners, List Administrators, or List Maintainers, the people who handle your subscription requests and general list upkeep are listed at the top of the Owner/Subscriber Gallery.

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Where is the list archived?

See the relevant question in the FAQ.

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How do I subscribe?

See the relevant question in the FAQ.

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