
Vital Statistics

Name: Monlon
Age: ?
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Green
First Appearance (Anime): Big Trouble in Nekonron, China
First Appearance (Manga): None
Love Interest: None
Loved by: None
Rivals/Opponents: Ranma, Shampoo

Profile: Monlon is a member of the Seven Lucky Gods Martial Artists that serve under Kirin. She, like those others of her kind, guards one of the Gates on the path to Kirin's stronghold.

With her razor sharp lute's strings, Monlon calmly blocked the path to Kirin, and even managed to capture both Raichi and Ranma in her grasp. Managing to heavily wound Ranma at first, Monlon was about to deal him the fatal blow when a tired but determined Shampoo finally caught up with Ranma and Raichi. Shampoo, defeated earlier by Monlon, was able to distract Monlon into fighting her while Ranma and Raichi made their way past her. After a fierce fight, Shampoo was able to get her revenge and defeat Monlon, who Mousse mistook for Shampoo later.

Personality: Monlon is beautiful, but her looks hide a heart of ice when it comes to battle and fighting. With complete confidence in her fighting ability she cruelly cuts down any who oppose her. Her loyalty to Kirin is unswerving, and therefore does all in her power to protect him.

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⌐ 1998 by Frank Sanchez