
Shampoo's Dossier Pic

Vital Statistics

Name: Shampoo
Age: 16
Eyes: Purple-Red
Hair: Blue-Purple
First Appearance (Anime): Ranma 1/2 TV series, Vol. 8
First Appearance (Manga): Vol. 3
Love Interest: Ranma
Loved by: Mousse
Rivals/Opponents: Akane, Ukyou, Kodachi

Profile: Shampoo comes from a village of Chinese Amazons, where the women train to be vicious warriors and martial artists. Shampoo was considered to be the best of the Amazon warriors in her village. That is, until she was defeated in battle the same person. That person is Ranma Saotome.

When Ranma and his father Genma Saotome were traveling through China on their way back from Jusenkyo, starved with hunger, they decided to stop in the Amazon village to eat. Unfortunately, Genma and Ranma ended up eating the feast of food that was first prize for the winner of the village's martial arts contest. Shampoo, the champion, challenged Ranma (who happened to be a girl at the time) to a duel.

Onna-Ranma defeated Shampoo, and that proved to be a grave mistake. According to part of an Amazon law concerning battle with outsiders, if an Amazon is defeated by an outsider who is female, the Amazon must give a "Kiss of Death" and then kill her.

Thus Shampoo followed Onna-Ranma and Genma all around China, trying to kill Ranma. Eventually, she caught up to Ranma in Japan - though this time, she saw the male Ranma. Believing that the Tendos were hiding Onna-Ranma, Shampoo attacked - only to be defeated again, by male Ranma this time. Expecting another "Kiss of Death", Ranma recoiled in fear from the recovering Shampoo. What he didn't expect was a very passionate kiss!

You see, the other part of the Amazon law concerning battle with outsiders goes like this: if the outsider who defeats an Amazon is male, the Amazon must make him her husband! So now, Ranma was loved by Shampoo as a man and hated by Shampoo when he was a woman. Shampoo had no idea that the two were one and the same.

Shampoo eventually saw Ranma's fiancee, Akane as an obstacle to getting Ranma, so Shampoo attempted to kill Akane too. Ranma could only stop her by showing Shampoo the true nature of her Jusenkyo curse. Torn between loving Ranma or killing him, Shampoo left in tears.

Shampoo returned to the village of the Amazons, and was ordered by her great-grandmother, Cologne to train with her for failing to kill Ranma. Cologne, though, picked a certain cursed training ground of springs to train at. Shampoo was knocked into Maoniichuan, or the Spring of Drowned Cat.

After explaining the unique circumstances surrounding her obligations to Ranma, Shampoo was allowed to go back to Japan, where she and Cologne opened up a ramen restaurant called the "Neko Hanten" or "Cat Cafe" near the area of the Tendo dojo. To this day, Shampoo pursues Ranma, in the hope that she can get all of Ranma's other fiancees out of the way and get him to herself.

Personality: Shampoo can be very sweet and also very violent at times. Probably the most physically affectionate of Ranma's multiple fiancees, Shampoo has been known to attach herself onto Ranma at any given moment. Shampoo can, however be a ruthless Amazon, especially when it comes to fighting for Ranma. She has gotten into multiple fights with Ranma's other fiancees. Overall, Shampoo has the ability to be really cute and sweet and also the ability to be cold and heartless. She, like Ranma's other fiancees, is always trying to find a way to get her rivals out of the way so she can have Ranma to herself.

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⌐ 1997 by Frank Sanchez