
Vital Statistics

Name: Kirin
Age: 16
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
First Appearance (Anime): Ranma Movie 1, Big Trouble in Nekonron, China
First Appearance (Manga): None (Anime-only)
Love Interest: Was Akane, later Raichi
Loved by: Raichi
Rivals/Opponents: Ranma

Profile: Kirin is the leader of the Seven Lucky Gods Martial Artists, a group of fighters based in China, and protected by a group of Gates, each manned by one fighter of the group. With his flying ship, Kirin is able to leave his domain and seek out whatever he needs to look for.

In his most recent trip, Kirin was looking for the woman who held the other half of a secret scroll, one treasured by the Seven Lucky Gods Martial Artists. This scroll's legend went as follows - whichever woman had the other half of the scroll (with Kirin having the first half of it), that woman would be destined to be Kirin's bride.

Originally, Raichi was the one who held the scroll, but in a moment of anger, Akane was the one who ended up with it, just as Kirin showed up. This caused Kirin to think that Akane was his destined bride, and kidnap her, much to Ranma's anger. Ranma was forced to follow Kirin's ship to get Akane back, followed by his friends, most of who went for their own reasons. Eventually, they reached Kirin's territory, and had to fight through to fight Kirin in the last battle. In the process, though Kirin finds out about Akane's feelings for Ranma, and also the ability to be non-exclusive as a person. Kirin also defers to Ranma after he defeats him, and later marries Raichi.

Personality: Kirin is at first very haughty and proud, and talks int he royal third person used by those of high birth and blood. Confident in his ability to beat anyone and have his way, he attacks and goes after things with a very aggressive nature. Though able to be nice and kind, he is also capable of cruelty and a hot anger, much of which is released through his fighting. He later learns a few points about attitude from Akane, who causes him to open his eyes to new things and also to the nature of real, true love.

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⌐ 1998 by Frank Sanchez