
Mousse's Dossier Pic

Vital Statistics

Name: Mousse
Age: 16
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
First Appearance (Anime): Chestnuts Roasting Over an Open Fire
First Appearance (Manga): Vol. 4
Love Interest: Shampoo
Loved by: No one
Rivals/Opponents: Ranma, Cologne

Profile: Mousse is, like Shampoo, from the Village of Amazons. A childhood friend of Shampoo who fell in love with her, Mousse first proposed to Shampoo when they were three years old. According to Amazon law, however, a woman must marry the man who defeats her in battle. Unfortunately for Mousse, Shampoo kept defeating him year after year.

When Shampoo was finally defeated for the first time by Ranma (who was female at the time), Mousse was not concerned, seeing as Shampoo was merely leaving to kill her according to Amazon law. However, when he heard that Shampoo had been defeated by a man and wanted to claim him as her husband, Mousse followed her to Japan in a rage. He challenged Ranma, but lost yet again.

Mousse returned to China to train, and happened upon Jusenkyo, the Ground of Accursed Springs. Mousse, in an attempt to train at the ground, accidentally walked into a spring called Yaazuniichuan, or the Spring of Drowned Duck. Thus, Mousse turns into a duck when splashed with cold water. Mousse later returned to Japan with buckets of Yazuniichuan to try and douse Ranma with them, even resorting to kidnapping Akane to get Ranma to come and fight him. However, Ranma triumphed again, and Mousse was defeated once again.

Actually, if Mousse had had his glasses on, he would have never walked into that spring that way. Thsi is because another thing about Mousse is that he's VERY blind without his glasses, and tends to mistake one person for another, or even an object for a person. Oftentimes he neglects to wear them and makes these foolish mistakes.

Mousse has taken up residence in the Neko Hanten, working for Shampoo's great-grandmother Cologne. He's still determined to defeat Ranma so he can have Shampoo.

Personality: Mousse seems to be a normal guy, until you factor in that he worships Shampoo. Then things get complicated. Mousse has, many times, been as devious about winning Shampoo as Shampoo is about winning Ranma. He's tried countless times to get Ranma out of the way and has failed miserably every time. He seems to have almost as much pride as Ranma, but he's made it clear that he is ready to throw all that aside for Shampoo, whom he loves with a passion. The only reason that he seems like such an idiot sometimes is because he either doesn't have his glasses on or is near Shampoo.

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⌐ 1997 by Frank Sanchez