
Vital Statistics

Name: Wonton
Age: ?
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
First Appearance (Anime): Nihao my Concubine
First Appearance (Manga): None
Love Interest: None
Loved by: None
Rivals/Opponents: None

Profile: Wonton, along with others of his kind, are all servants to Toma, ruler of the floating island of Togenkyo.

In the chaos that ensued after Toma ended up kidnapping all of the females in Ranma's group, Toma gave his servants permission to choose brides for thmselves other than Akane, who he had taken for himself. Wonton happened to pick up Nabiki, middle daughter in the Tendo household, for his intended bride.

After several stalling techniques employed by Nabiki, the Dog-Man eventually fought and was defeated by the combined efforts of Kunou, Onna-Ranma, and Nabiki herself, who tricked Wonton into jumping out of the open window of his own room.

Personality: Wonton, being the creation of Toma's male-turning water, acts and even speaks like a canine. His personality reflects this, and as such, he is fooled easily by tricks such as the one Nabiki did to him. Strong as an ox, but hardly intelligent, he is nevertheless a vital addition to Toma's army.

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⌐ 1998 by Frank Sanchez