Nabiki Tendo

Nabiki Dossier Pic

Vital Statistics

Name: Nabiki Tendo (or Tendou)
Age: 17
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Reddish-Brown
First Appearance (Anime): Ranma 1/2 TV Series, Vol. 1
First Appearance (Manga): Vol. 1
Love Interest: None
Loved by: No one
Rivals/Opponents: Ranma

Profile: Nabiki Tendo is the middle daughter of Soun Tendo. Approaching everything from a business perspective and a somewhat cynicist attitude, she lives to profit off of the situations she is thrust into, no matter how good or bad they seem to be for her or for those involved. She has, for example, taken advantage of Ranma's curse that changes him from boy to girl many times.

It seems at times that whether Ranma and her sister Akane get together is of no concern to her - however, she seems to advocate the engagement for the most part. Always planning the next business opportunity (which almost always involves Ranma), it is unclear whether or not she looks out for anyone else in her business enterprises, though she makes a strong point of making her potential "buyer" think that they are benefitting from the deals and such that Nabiki puts in front of them. With her sharp wit and her equally sharp intuitions and perceptions, she has managed to become quite the business woman amidst the choas of the Ranma-verse.

Personality: Nabiki always has a biting sarcasm or a realistic, straightforward attitude about her that she employs in almost every situation that she observes in the Tendo dojo. Obviously a person who thinks of herself more than others at times. She isn't however, an evil person with malicious intent, merely someone out to make a profit, in one way or another, off of everything. Her success in these dealings obviously shows that she may be smarter than some people may give her credit for. Definitely not a martial artist like Ranma, Akane and company, Nabiki effectively compensates with her business intelligence and perception skills.

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⌐ 1997 by Frank Sanchez