
Vital Statistics

Name: Toma
Age: 14
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
First Appearance (Anime): Nihao My Concubine
First Appearance (Manga): None
Love Interest: Akane
Loved by: None
Rivals/Opponents: Ranma

Profile: Toma is the young ruler of the moving island of Togenkyo, a magical place known for its enchanted waters and inhabitants.

It so happened that on a cruise, Kunou's boat, with everyone on it, crashed on the island of Togenkyo. There, they met Toma, whose inhabitants began to kidnap the females of the shipwrecked company. Toma eventually kidnapped Akane, as well as all of the other girls, and held them captive at his castle, intending to choose one for his bride in a contest. He attempted to threaten Ranma and company with a jug of magical water, which would turn anything living into a man. This water, the staple of the island in terms of drinking, was the reason behind the kidnappings - all the natives of the island were male as a result of the water's effects.

As a female, Onna-Ranma was able to sneak into the contest and attempt a rescue - however, she and the rest of the males only succeeded in causing the girls to be split up in different rooms,w ith Akane being taken captive by Toma himself. It was during this time that Toma tried to get Akane to reciprocate his feelings for her, only to be rejected when Ranma showed up for a duel.

Eventually, Toma realized that Akane's heart belonged to Ranma, and left his feelings for her behind. He currently wanders on his island, intending to stop in Japan to find someone like Akane to be his bride.

Personality: Though somewhat spoiled in the beginning, Toma eventually figures out and learns more about romance through his experiences and discussions with Akane. He is slightly arrogant and will refuse to back down from a challange - however, he is honorable and fights as such. Most of his "attacks" are merely illusions that must be ignored in order to get to him.

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⌐ 1998 by Frank Sanchez