Tatewaki Kuno

Kuno's Dossier Pic

Vital Statistics

Name: Tatewaki Kuno (or Kunou)
Age: 17
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
First Appearance (Anime): Ranma 1/2 TV series, Vol. 1
First Appearance (Manga): Vol. 1
Love Interest: Akane, Ranma (in girl-form)
Loved by: No one
Rivals/Opponents: Ranma

Profile: Tatewaki Kuno, who calls himself the "Blue Thunder" of Furinkan High, is the Kendo captain at the school and one of Ranma's major enemies. He is a big influence at school, not only because of his money, but also for his skill at wielding the wooden sword, or bokken, he carries around. At least, that's how it was before Ranma Saotome showed up. Though their first match ended in a draw, on consequent fights Ranma has bested Kunou, earning the focus of the Kendoist's anger and dislike.

Another thing about Kuno is that he is apt to quote poetry to express how he feels about something...especially when it comes to Akane Tendo. Kuno declared, in his flamboyant and poetic way, that whoever wanted to date Akane had to defeat her in hand-to-hand combat. As a result, Akane was beset every day afterwards by a horde of guys trying to get a date with her by defeating her

This changed, however, when Ranma Saotome entered Akane's life. Ranma's supposed engagement to Akane discouraged most of Akane's "suitors", but Kuno was not to be defeated. He challenged Ranma to a duel. Unfortunately, it was during this duel that Ranma accidentally jumped into the school's pool, turning him into a girl. Kuno accidentally found out that he was now fighting a girl, but had no idea that the girl and boy-type Ranmas were one and the same.

As a result, Kuno fell for the girl-type Ranma as well as Akane, referring to the "mystery girl" only as "Osagi no Onna", or "pig-tailed goddess/girl". Whether Kuno is really naive about the curse of Ranma, or if he's just denying it is unclear. However, Kuno still holds firm in the belief that he will one day get Ranma out of the way and "double date" with Akane and his pig-tailed goddess..

Personality: Kuno is very eloquent in his speaking and generally has sort of a self-absorbed attitude as well as a huge ego. He pursues both Onna-Ranma and Akane with a fervor that could almost be called insane. This chasing of the two girls is the only time we see him get worked up and lose his cool, poetic, and calm demeanor. Kuno also has a high sense of honor, but he easily undermined or twisted to fit his own needs. Though maintaining that he is very different from his sister Kodachi, Kuno is really very much like her, though slightly more restrained.

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⌐ 1997 by Frank Sanchez