Quadriceps and Hamstrings

Leg Extensions Method:

This exercise not only gives shape and definition to the quads, but also warms up the knees, muscles, and tendons in route to the more explosive, mass building quad exercises. This movement should be smooth and rhythmic with a one second lock and flex at the top. Begin with a lighter set to 15 reps and then two heavy sets of 12 and 10 reps with a minimal spot.

Sets: 3
Reps: 10-15
Rest: 1-2 min

Squats Method:

Squats can be performed two ways, depending on which part of your quads you want to work. To concentrate on frontal quad development (center and teardrop region), you should keep your toes pointing forward. To concentrate on developing the outer quad or "sweep", your toes should be angled outward. For both methods, you should descend as deep as possible trying not to bounce at the bottom. Keep your head up and your back straight or slightly arched. Begin with a lighter set of 10 to 12 reps on your own. Then go as heavy as you can with weight that requires a spot of 3 to 4 reps to reach 6 to 9 reps. Heavy, high intensity exercises such as squats will undoubtedly help stimulate your entire body to grow bigger and thicker more rapidly.

Sets: 4
Reps: 6-12
Rest: 2-3 min

Hack Squats Method:

Hack squats are thought by many to be the ultimate exercise for isolating and developing the quads. Use the same rules for foot placement and reps as you did with conventional squats. Lock and flex at the top.

Sets: 4
Reps: 6-12
Rest: 2-3 min

Leg Press Method:

This exercise emphasizes both quad and hamstring development and is good transition exercise from quad movements to hamstring movements. Remembering the rules of foot placement, keep your feet midway between the top and bottom of the plat form. Come down deep and flex at the top. Use the same rules for sets and reps as squats and backs.

Sets: 4
Reps: 6-12
Rest: 2-3 min

Leg Curls Method:

Be sure to keep your hips pressed down onto the pad while performing this exercise. Keep your toes pointed and stay smooth and strict with a one second hold at the top[. Begin with a heavy set of 10 reps on your own, then use a spot of 2 to 4 reps to reach 8 to 10 reps.

Sets: 4
Reps: 8-10
Rest: 2-3 min

Straight Leg Deadlifts Method:

Your may use either dumbbells or straight bar to do this exercise. Bend at the hips and be sure to keep your back arched throughout the movement. Stretch your hamstrings at the bottom and squeeze your glutes at the top. You can also vary the direction of your toes to hit different points on the hamstring. Toes straight ahead will work more the center and toes pointing out will work more the outside and tie-in to the sweep. Use the most weight you can do for reps of 10 to 15 beginning with the lighter set.

Sets: 4
Reps: 10-15
Rest: 2-3 min

Glute/Ham Raises Method:

This exercise looks almost identical to hyperextensions for the lower back, except that here you bend at the hips while the back stays arched and rigid throughout the exercise. Concentrate on stretching the hamstring and flex the glutes hard at the top. Weight may be placed behind the head or held to the chest.

Sets: 3
Reps: 10-15
Rest: 2-3 min


Deep Calve Stretches Method:

The four calve exercises represent one circuit. Repeat the circuit 4 times without stopping to rest. Stretch the calves, one at a time, off the end of a block or platform. Stretch slow and deep with both the knee locked, for the gastrocnemius, and with the knee bent for the soleus underneath. Stretch for a period of 30 seconds on each leg and push up to contract and flex the calve 3 times within each period.

Circuits: 4
Reps: NA
Rest: 0 min

Standing Calve Raises Method:

Keeping the knees locked throughout this exercise, point your heels out to work the outer head of the calve or point your heels in to work the inner head. Stretch as deep as you can at the bottom. Perform heavy sets of 10 to 15 reps.

Circuits 4
Reps: 10-15
Rest: 0 min

Seated Calve Raises Method:

Use the same guidelines as the standing calve raises except that because this exercise works primarily the soleus, which is a difficult muscle to fatigue, use a weight with which you can do 25 to 30 reps.

Circuits: 4
Reps: 25-30
Rest: 0 min

Donkey Raises Method:

You may perform this exercise either on a donkey raise machine or by hanging your feet off the end of a box or platform, with your partner 'saddled" across your lower back. With legs straight, stretch deeply at the bottom and extend for a full contraction at the top. Go heavy but be sure to exhibit a full range of motion.

Circuits: 4
Reps: 10-15
Rest: 0 min

Weight Training                                 30
1) Main 1
2) Introduction 2
3) Novice 5
4) Intermediate 8
5) Exercise Description 12
6) Motivation and Conclusion 39