
Notes: A key tool in building the size of the chest as opposed to powerlifting technique is to remember to bring the bar down onto the center of your chest and not the bottom of it. For your first set, use a weight with which you can lift no more than 10 or 12 reps on your own. Your next three sets should be with a weight or weights you can do no more than 7 to 9 times by yourself, having your partner spot you for the final 2 to 5 forced repetitions.

Flat Bench Press Method:

Using an Olympic size straight bar, your movement should be rhythmic and controlled (do not rush through the set).

Sets: 4
Reps: 7-12
Rest: 1-2 min

Incline Bench Press Method:

The same exact training guidelines apply here as in the Flat Bench Press, except that these are done on a standard incline bench (approx. 35 to 45 degrees). Let the bar touch high on the chest using the same smooth, controlled movement.

Sets: 4
Reps: 7-12
Rest: 1-2 min

Decline Press Method:

Same guidelines apply except that you are now in a decline position working the lower chest. Use as steep a decline as you like (20 to 45 degrees). Dumbbells as well as straight bar may be used here.

Sets: 4
Reps: 9-12
Rest: 1-2 min

Flat Bench Flys Method:

Smooth, controlled movement with elbows slightly bent. Stretch the chest deep at the bottom and flex at the top. Incline Dumbbell Flys may replace Flat Dumbbell Flys periodically to build more upper chest.

Sets: 4
Reps: 10-12
Rest: 1 min


Notes: In building thickness and height on the biceps, two factors become crucial: Time and Strict form. If too much time elapses between sets, the blood leaves the bicep muscle and attaining that rock-hard pump becomes almost impossible.

Straight Bar Curls Method:

Straight bar curls should be done with the elbows straight down at your side or by rearing the elbows back slightly. Bring the bar up evenly without swinging before finishing and flexing for a second at the top. The 12-10-8-6 method is accomplished by using a weight you can curl approximately 10-12 times on you own. Then, you may either hand the bar directly to your partner for their set or rest and stretch for no more than 30 seconds before picking up the bar for 10 more reps. After your 10 reps, no more than 30 seconds or the time it takes your partner to do their set should elapse before you have the bar for 8 more reps. After your 8 reps, again wait for your partner or 30 sec and finish the exercise with 6 final reps.

Sets: 1
Reps: 12-10-8-6
Rest: 0.5 min

Alternating Dumbbell Curls Method:

Begin with the dumbbells at your sides in the hammer position (thumbs forward). Then, one arm at a time, curl the dumbbell while twisting the palm upward and outward until the contraction is complete with the thumb twisting out as far as possible and flexing hard at the top. This twisting motion supplies resistance across the entire belly of the muscle. For your first set use the heaviest weight possible to get 12 reps on each arm. Then, increase the weight so that your final 3 sets demand a spot of 1 to 3 reps to reach 8 to 10 reps.

Sets: 4
Reps: 8-12
Rest: 0.5 min

Preacher Curls Method:

Using a standard preacher bench is adequate for this exercise although the more steep or sharp the angle on the arm rest, the more effective this exercise becomes. Do not be afraid to use an angle that leaves your arms pointing straight to the ground. This will add extra resistance at the top or finish of the contraction, allowing you to develop that elusive peak. Flex hard at the top for one second before bringing the bar back down. Again, start with a lighter set of 12 reps before going onto three spotted sets of 8 to 10 reps.

Sets: 4
Reps: 8-12
Rest: 1 min

Concentration Curls Method:

The best way to do this finishing exercise is by sitting down and leaning your triceps onto your inner thigh. Your upper arm from your shoulder to your elbow should always point straight down during this exercise. Flex hard at the top, being sure not to lean your shoulder back, thus taking resistance off of the biceps. Done correctly, this exercise can help stimulate growth of the biceps peak.

Sets: 2
Reps: 10-12
Rest: 1 min

Weight Training                                 18
1) Main 1
2) Introduction 2
3) Novice 5
4) Intermediate 8
5) Exercise Description 12
6) Motivation and Conclusion 39