
Wide Grip Cable Pulldowns (behind neck) Method:

The first set should be done using the most weight with which you can do 10-12 reps on your own. Then continue with three sets of heavy, strict movement with weight that demands a spot of 3 to 5 reps to reach 7 to 10 reps. Use this formula for all back exercise.

Sets: 4
Reps: 7-12
Rest: 1-2 min

Close Grip Cable Pulldowns (to the front) Method:

This is an excellent exercise for building that blinding width you've been looking for. When pulling down, remember to arch the back without leaning back from the waist, and bring the close grip hand piece down to the bottom of the chest. Always remember that momentum has little worth in body building and it is during back workouts that many people forget this - so don't yank the weights up and down. Always use a smooth rhythmic cadence for all exercises.

Sets: 4
Reps: 7-10
Rest: 1-2 min

Bent Over Rows Method:

This exercise is thought by many to be the best for building overall mass and thickness. This may be done using either an Olympic straight bar or Smith machine. Remember to keep the knees slightly bent, arch your back (don't round it), keep your torso as parallel to the floor as possible and use a medium wide grip on the bar. Proper execution of this exercise will ensure maximum results while minimizing the risk of lower back injury.

Sets: 4
Reps: 7-12
Rest: 1-2 min

Seated Cable Rows Method:

For this exercise, use a close grip hand piece for width and mass. Begin by extending forward, for full range and stretch, and finish in a perpendicular position with the back arched. If you feel you need more work on thickness rather than width, you may want to periodically switch to a wide grip.

Sets: 4
Reps: 7-10
Rest: 1-2 min


Flat Bench Triceps Extension Method:

Lying on your back, keeping your elbows in and your upper arm (biceps and triceps portion) stationary at a 90 angle. The E-Z curl bar should come down to touch at about the top of the forehead. As with all exercises, allow the first set to be lighter set. Using most weight, you can lift for 10-12 reps on your own. Continue with three sets of heavy, strict movement with weight. That demands a spot of 2 to 5 reps to reach 8 to 10 reps. Use this formula for all triceps exercises. Remember to remain strict by keeping your upper arms stationary during this movement.

Sets: 4
Reps: 8-12
Rest: 0.5-1 min

Close Grip Bench Press Method:

Using an Olympic straight bar, grab the bar at shoulder width and , keeping the elbows in tight to your sides, allow the bar to touch at about the center of the chest before pressing upward. A spotter is crucial during this exercise in order to maintain correct form and safety.

Sets: 4
Reps: 8-12
Rest: 0.5-1 min

Pushdowns Method:

There are a variety of pulley attachments that can be used for this exercise, however, the primary mass building ones are the straight or bent (V-shaped) bar attachments. Pushdowns should be performed by grabbing the bar palms down and keeping the upper arm straight down and tight to your sides at all times. For variation, you may wan to tray a reverse grip (palms up) on the straight bar to isolate the inner belly of the triceps or use a rope attachment pushing down and outward to hit the anterior or outside head of the triceps.

Sets: 4
Reps: 8-12
Rest: 0.5-1 min

Dips (Weighted) Method:

This exercise may be done on a parallel bar-type apparatus or suspended between two flat benches. With either method, keep the elbows pointing straight behind you and not out to the sides to avoid bringing much of the chest into play. Parallel bar dips can be weighted by using an appropriate belt and chain while dipping between two flat benches, calls for heavier plates being placed directly on the thighs.

Sets: 3
Reps: 8-12
Rest: 0.5-1 min

Weight Training                                 21
1) Main 1
2) Introduction 2
3) Novice 5
4) Intermediate 8
5) Exercise Description 12
6) Motivation and Conclusion 39