DirectShow Interfaces by Category

The following lists group the Microsoft® DirectShow™ interfaces according to whether application or filter developers typically call them, or whether they are exposed at the filter graph level. Both application and filter developers can call some interfaces, while others have a typical use by one or the other, but both types of developers can still call them. See the documentation about each interface for more information. Each of the categories (Application-Level Interfaces, Graph-Level Interfaces, and Filter-Level Interfaces) is divided into functional groupings.

In addition, the Multimedia Streaming Reference contains documentation on interfaces specific to multimedia streaming.

Application-Level Interfaces

Digital Versatile Disc (DVD) Application-Level Interfaces

Cutlist Application-Level Interfaces

Cutlist Application-Level or Filter-Level Interfaces

Capture, Compression, Device Enumeration, and Windows Driver Model (WDM) Capture Application-Level or Filter-Level Interfaces

Device Control, Timecode, and Property Set Application-Level or Filter-Level Interfaces

Graph-Level Interfaces

Filter-Level Interfaces

DirectSound Filter-Level Interface

Memory Allocation and Media Sample Filter-Level Interfaces

COM Interfaces

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