IMediaTypeInfo Interface

The filter graph manager exposes the IMediaTypeInfo interface to allow access by Automation client applications such as Microsoft® Visual Basic® to the media type information associated with pins on filters.

When to Implement

This interface is implemented by the filter graph manager for use by Automation client applications, such as Visual Basic.

When to Use

Automation-compatible applications retrieve an object supporting this interface by calling the IPinInfo::get_ConnectionMediaType method. This interface then presents the major and minor media types as properties on an IMediaTypeInfo object.

Methods in Vtable Order
IUnknown methods Description
QueryInterface Returns pointers to supported interfaces.
AddRef Increments the reference count.
Release Decrements the reference count.
IDispatch methods Description
GetTypeInfoCount Determines whether there is type information available for this dispinterface.
GetTypeInfo Retrieves the type information for this dispinterface if GetTypeInfoCount returned successfully.
GetIDsOfNames Converts text names of properties and methods (including arguments) to their corresponding DISPIDs.
Invoke Calls a method or accesses a property in this dispinterface if given a DISPID and any other necessary parameters.
IMediaTypeInfo methods Description
get_Type Retrieves the major type GUID as a string.
get_Subtype Retrieves the subtype GUID as a string.


IMediaTypeInfo Interface

Retrieves the subtype GUID as a string.

HRESULT get_Subtype(
  BSTR *strType

[out, retval] String containing the subtype GUID.
Return Values

Returns an HRESULT value.


IMediaTypeInfo Interface

Retrieves the major type GUID as a string.

HRESULT get_Type(
  BSTR *strType

[out, retval] String containing the major type GUID.
Return Values

Returns an HRESULT value.

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