IVPConfig Interface

IVPConfig enables a video port (VP) mixer filter to communicate with a VP driver (decoder), to set and retrieve configuration information. This interface assumes that the mixer filter creates the video port.

When to Implement

The Windows Driver Model (WDM) Ksproxy filter implements this interface so you won't need to implement it in most cases. Implement this interface when you need this functionality on a platform that does not support WDM, or when you need to alter the default behavior.

When to Use

The overlay mixer filter (Overlay Mixer) uses this interface so you won't need to use it in most cases. Use this interface when you implement your own overlay mixer filter.

Methods in Vtable Order
IUnknown methods Description
QueryInterface Retrieves pointers to supported interfaces.
AddRef Increments the reference count.
Release Decrements the reference count.
IVPConfig methods Description
GetConnectInfo Retrieves connection information structures.
SetConnectInfo Sets the index for the current video port connection information.
GetVPDataInfo Retrieves the current video port data information.
GetMaxPixelRate Retrieves the maximum pixels per second rate for a given width and height.
InformVPInputFormats Informs the device what video formats the video port supports.
GetVideoFormats Retrieves the video formats the decoder supports.
SetVideoFormat Sets the video format.
SetInvertPolarity Reverses the current polarity.
GetOverlaySurface Given the context, retrieves an overlay surface object to be used as an allocator.
IsVPDecimationAllowed Given the context (Video/VBI), retrieves whether scaling at the video port is allowed.
SetScalingFactors Sets the factors by which the decoder should scale the video stream.
SetDirectDrawKernelHandle Sets the DirectDraw® kernel handle.
SetVideoPortID Sets the video port ID.
SetDDSurfaceKernelHandle Sets the DirectDraw surface kernel handle.


IVPConfig Interface

Retrieves connection information structures.

HRESULT GetConnectInfo(
  LPDWORD pdwNumConnectInfo,

[in/out] Points to a buffer that contains the number of DDVIDEOPORTCONNECT structures provided by the pddVPConnectInfo parameter. Contains the actual number of structures returned on output. If pddVPConnectInfo is NULL, this method updates this parameter with the number of structures supported by the driver.
[in/out] Points to an array of DDVIDEOPORTCONNECT structures that the driver fills in. Specify NULL to retrieve the total number of formats supported.
Return Values

Returns NOERROR if the count or structures were retrieved, or a driver error.


This method retrieves the various connection information structures (guid, port width) in an array of structures (pddVPConnectInfo). It is the callee's responsibility to allocate the correct amount of space for the number of structures requested.

Set the index for connection information by using the IVPConfig::SetConnectInfo method.


IVPConfig Interface

Retrieves the maximum pixels per second rate for a given width and height.

HRESULT GetMaxPixelRate(
  LPAMVPSIZE pamvpSize,
  LPDWORD pdwMaxPixelsPerSecond

[in/out] Pointer to an AMVPSIZE structure containing the desired width and height and which receives the final dimensions upon return.
[out] Pointer to the retrieved maximum pixels per second rate.
Return Values

Returns NOERROR if the maximum pixel rate was retrieved.


This method retrieves the maximum pixels per second rate expected for a given format and a given scaling factor. If the decoder does not support those scaling factors, then it returns the rate and the nearest scaling factors it supports.


IVPConfig Interface

Given the context, retrieves an overlay surface object to use as an allocator.

HRESULT GetOverlaySurface(
  AMVP_CONTEXT amvpContext,

[in] Context in which to use the overlay surface.
[out] Address of a pointer to the retrieved DirectDraw® overlay surface object.
Return Values

Returns NOERROR if the overlay surface object was returned. (Default implementation sets the surface to NULL and returns NOERROR.)


The VP mixer uses this function to determine if the driver wants the VP mixer to use its overlay surface and if so to get a pointer to it. If this function returns NULL, then the VP mixer allocates its own surface.


IVPConfig Interface

Retrieves the video formats the decoder supports.

HRESULT GetVideoFormats(
  LPDWORD pdwNumFormats,

[in/out] Pointer to the number of DDPIXELFORMAT structures provided by the pddPixelFormats parameter. Upon output, this method updates this parameter with the actual number of structures retrieved. If pddPixelFormats is NULL, this method updates this parameter with the total number of formats the driver supports.
[in/out] Pointer to an array of DDPIXELFORMAT structures that the driver fills. Specify NULL to retrieve only the count of supported formats in pdwNumFormats.
Return Values

Returns NOERROR if the count or structures were returned, or a driver error otherwise.


This method queries for either the number of DDPIXELFORMAT structures supported by the driver, or retrieves as many structures as can fit into the provided buffer space.

It is the callee's responsibility to allocate the correct amount of space for the number of structures requested.

Set the video format using IVPConfig::SetVideoFormat.


IVPConfig Interface

Retrieves the current video port data information.


[in/out] Pointer to the AMVPDATAINFO data information structure.
Return Values

Returns NOERROR if the video port data information was retrieved.


IVPConfig Interface

Informs the device what video formats the video port supports.

HRESULT InformVPInputFormats(
  DWORD dwNumFormats,

[in] Number of video formats contained in the pDDPixelFormats parameter.
[in] Array of pixel format structures (DDPIXELFORMAT) to send to the device.
Return Values

Returns S_FALSE if failure, or NOERROR otherwise.


The supplied array of supported video port formats might determine what formats the device, in turn, proposes.


IVPConfig Interface

Given the context (Video/VBI), retrieves whether scaling at the video port is allowed.

HRESULT IsVPDecimationAllowed(
  AMVP_CONTEXT amvpContext,
  LPBOOL pbIsDecimationAllowed

[in] Context in which to query the VP decimation capability.
[out] Pointer to the retrieved value indicating whether decimation is allowed.
Return Values

Returns NOERROR if this method returned the decimation capability.


The VP mixer uses this function to determine whether the driver wants the mixer to decimate video data at its own discretion. This function can be especially useful in a capture with preview situation in which you would not want the VP mixer filter to perform any scaling at the video port.


IVPConfig Interface

Sets the index for the current video port connection information.

HRESULT SetConnectInfo(
  DWORD dwChosenEntry

[in] Index of new video port connect information (zero-based) to pass to the driver.
Return Values

Returns NOERROR if the video port connect information was set.


Retrieve connection information by using IVPConfig::GetConnectInfo.


IVPConfig Interface

Sets the DirectDraw kernel handle.

HRESULT SetDirectDrawKernelHandle(
  DWORD dwDDKernelHandle

[in] DirectDraw kernel level handle passed as a DWORD value.
Return Values

Returns NOERROR if the specified handle was set successfully.


Sets the DirectDraw kernel level handle on the mini driver to enable it to talk to DirectDraw directly.


IVPConfig Interface

Sets the DirectDraw surface kernel handle.

HRESULT SetDDSurfaceKernelHandle(
  DWORD dwDDKernelHandle

[in] DirectDraw surface handle (kernel mode) passed as a DWORD value.
Return Values

Returns NOERROR if the specified handle is set successfully.


This method sets the DirectDraw handle on the mini driver to enable it to talk to the video port directly.


IVPConfig Interface

Reverses the current polarity.

HRESULT SetInvertPolarity(void);

Return Values

Returns NOERROR if the polarity was reversed.


Reversing polarity means asking the decoder to treat even fields like odd fields and vice versa.


IVPConfig Interface

Sets the factors by which the decoder should scale the video stream.

HRESULT SetScalingFactors(
  LPAMVPSIZE pamvpSize

[in] Pointer to the new scaling size structure (AMVPSIZE) to use to specify the width and height.
Return Values

Returns NOERROR if the new scaling factors were set.


If the decoder does not support the specified scaling factors, then it sets the values to the nearest factors it can support.


IVPConfig Interface

Sets the video format.

HRESULT SetVideoFormat(
  DWORD dwChosenEntry

[in] Specifies the index (zero-based) of the video pixel format to use.
Return Values

Returns NOERROR if the new video format was set.


Retrieve the video formats by using IVPConfig::GetVideoFormats.


IVPConfig Interface

Sets the video port ID.

HRESULT SetVideoPortID (
  DWORD dwVideoPortID

[in] DirectDraw video port ID.
Return Values

Returns NOERROR if the specified handle is set successfully.


This method sets the DirectDraw video port ID on the mini driver to enable it to talk to the video port directly.

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