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In Italy’s commedia dell’arte, improvisation reigns! You never know what will happen–every performance is different! Open with a basic scenario (plot outline) then watch as the actors–playing such familiar characters as Pantaloon (the dirty old man), Matamoros (the pompous and cowardly Spanish soldier) and Arlecchio (the clown)–create dialogue on the spot. A delightful combination of wit and physical acrobatics.

Now appearing in Venice: the Gelosi, the masters of commedia, fresh from their triumphant performances at the Spanish court and the Corral de la Cruz in Madrid. The Gelosi’s new production stars Isabella Andreini as the young innamorata (woman in love) trying to elope with her dashing lover. See Pantalone, the girl’s hapless father, enlist Matamoros, with his enormous mustache and outrageous accent, to stop her. Laugh as the cunning servants try to foil the plot.