Today's date: The third moon of the year 1281

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Weather report:

Storm system expected to by-pass Sea of Japan (soon to be renamed)

Mongol warriors prepare to conquer Japan

For the second time in less than 10 years, thousands of armed and eager Mongol troops have embarked on an invasion of Japan. This invasion follows repeated rebuffs to Mongol envoys in the early 1270's and an invasion in 1274. In that campaign, Mongol forces were on the verge of victory when a monstrous storm smashed hundreds of our ships, forcing us to retreat.

Genghis Khan, grandfather of Kublai Khan

Now the Great-Khan is launching another attack against the insolent Japanese. Never in the history of the Mongol Empire have our soldiers been so well equipped. Our brave soldiers carry the traditional crossbows, swords, maces, war axes, and spears with which they have long excelled. In addition to these traditional weapons, however, our forces also carry a new range of fire-throwing and explosive weapons developed from well-tested Chinese designs. From the Muslims in the far western ranges of the empire has come a new, long-range rock-throwing weapon called a catapult. With such advanced weaponry, the invasion is expected to swiftly bring Japan under the rule of the Great-Khan.