Today's date: The third moon of the year 1281

Upcoming stories

First Invasion of Japan: What Went Wrong?

Fermented Mare's Milk: A Mongol Drink for All Occasions

Grand Canal Nears Completion, Links Northern and Southern China

Silk Road Reopens. Textile Trade with Persia and China Flourishes.

Weather report:

Storm system expected to by-pass Sea of Japan (soon to be renamed)

Welcome to the Mongol News Network, the up-to-the-minute source for Mongol news from across the steppes and beyond.
  • Who we are
    Our beginnings lie north of China, in Mongolia, Manchuria, and Siberia, where our ancestors lived as nomads.
  • How we became masters of the world
    In the late 1100’s, Genghis Khan, the exalted founder of our empire, began to unify our people and organized us into the most superior fighting force the world has ever seen.
  • Our empire
    Our prosperous and advanced empire stretches from the Yellow Sea in eastern Asia to the borders of eastern Europe. Under the great Kublai Khan, we completed our conquest of China. The Great Khan also has brought Burma, Cambodia, and other countries of Southeast Asia under his enlightened rule. Japan will soon join our empire.

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