For current news, please subscribe to Amused News.

August-September-and most of October 1997

Yikes, it's almost Halloween and the Newsletter hasn't been updated in eons! Now that's scary! I guess the Work Fairies haven't been doing their jobs!

Speaking of scary holidays, we're planning the First Annual Halloween Costume Party in the C*E*A Chat Room on the 31st. Log in under a different name than you usually do, & try to guess who the other chatters are! We're really excited about new avatar chat rooms coming online in November, so stay tuned for news about those!

And while we're on the subject of things that are scary, be sure to check out Count Floyd's Movie News, exclusive to the C*E*A. It contains a trivia contest, survey, and lots of exciting news, and was recently named the Site du Jour of the Day.

That's it for now! Thanks for all the fan mail, submissions, and awards. We really appreciate it, as we continue to bring you The Ultimate Guide to Wasting Time!

May-June-July 1997

March-April 1997

Web Award

February 1997

Web Award

January 1997

December 1996

November 1996

October Boosletter 1996

September 1996

August 1996

July 1996

June 1996

May 1996

April 1996

March 1996

February 1996

January 1996

December 1995

As the monitors of the C*E*A's Macs are gaily decorated with holiday desktop patterns, we've experienced more excitement than usual lately.

We at the Centre for the Easily Amused wish all of our visitors the happiest of holidays, and we hope you will join us in our New Year's Resolution of finding yet more ways of wasting time & having fun on the Internet.

Season's Greetings!

November 1995

September-October 1995

Fall has suddenly arrived here at the C*E*A. The lineups at the Staff Lounge slurpee machine have been replaced by the constant operation of the espresso machine, as our dedicated employees become latte-fueled. Now that the new television season has begun, they are finding it difficult to leave the Ricki Lake show to remain at their surfing workstations, so we've had to come up with some new projects to challenge them.

August 1995


Thanks to everyone for the fan mail, submissions, and comments about Cathie's photograph. It's great hearing from our adoring public, & our goal is to make the C*E*A the starting point for the Easily Amused. Keep those cards & letters coming!

I'd like to thank the Academy...

Our hard-working staff have been working overtime to ensure that the C*E*A will become a favourite starting point for surfing. Please let us know how we can serve you better!

Cathie Walker
Chief Schmoozing Executive

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Last Updated: 4/27/99
WebMistress: Cathie Walker
© copyright 1995-2000 Centre for the Easily Amused