Brave New World of Useless Stuff

Plenty of goofy dead ends on the information superhighway

Christopher Borelli, Toledo Blade Media Writer
September 3, 1995

From your desk, and with the help of a computer connected to the Internet, you can keep track of the weather in Uganda, you can protest deforestation, or you can get 24-hour updates on the contents of some guy's refrigerator.

Technology isn't here just to make the world a better place, you know.

Visionaries who insist that the faceless nature of the Net will break down all racial and national boundaries as the society goes on-line en masse forget to mention that you can get on the Internet Monday, get off Thursday, and never find anything useful -- but you may find much proudly identified as "useless."

These dead ends on the information superhighway are mostly on the World Wide Web, a colorful Net segment organized in interactive chapters called "pages."

It figures the White House wants to educate with their page and your neighbor may be busy providing daily pictures of his Mr. Potato Head in weird positions through his.

There's even a special name for finding ways to waste on-line time. It's called "Because You Can."

Why have access to a computer that counts the inventory of a soda machine -- in Switzerland? Because you can. Why have a pitching machine attached to a computer and throw snowballs with the click of a mouse? Because you can. There's even a site that lists all the vending machines hooked up to various computers.

Cathie Walker runs the Net's "Centre for the Easily Amused," a popular one-stop electronic shop for useless pages that had to be put on a timer for a period when it was overwhelmed with 25,000 calls before noon.

Walker, an administrative secretary, decided to become the "yellow pages of fun stuff," Walker said, and tried her hand at web page design.

"Considering that there are a thousand or so Web pages coming out daily, most of them are useless -- pictures of a guy and his cat or whatnot -- so material for us isn't hard to find," Walker said.

Setting up a Web page -- useless or not -- is "one way of having that 15 minutes of fame," Walker said in August. "Mine's lasted for a month."

If you have no time to look for junk, but are still curious, there are a number of Net sites that provide easy access to much of the above stuff. Here are a couple of the best:

Have fun, kids, and remember: in an age of stacked schedules and information overload, kill time before it kills you.

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