4. Other Configurations
Almost everything in Tilerama is customizable : besides the 'Game Configuration' described in the Chapter 3, you can choose the graphics, sounds and music of the game. Read the next topics to know about these and other features.
4.1 General Options
To open the 'General Options' window, you have to press the Cfg button of the menu bar (see topic 2.1) and then the Options button of the configuration menu, or directly press the F3 key. The Figure 27 shows this window:


Figure 27 : 'General Options' window


Here are the details :
  • Player Name : The name entered here is used in all the instances of the game to denominate the human player, including the Top 10 Scores. With this name is also created the Log File of the player. 

    : You can't modify the player's name when you're already playing a game, so in that situation this option will be disabled.

  • Write Player's Log File : Select this option if you want to update your Log File. More details in the topic 5.2.

  • Auto-Load Board's Recommended Tile Set : As mentioned in the topic 3.2.1, the Board Files may recommend the use of a specific Tile Set File. Selecting this option, the board's recommended TS will be automatically loaded.

  • Move Tiles Using Mouse Wheel : As described in the topic 2.3, the game allows you to use the Mouse Wheel to move the tiles, if this option is selected. During a game, you can use the short-cut key (W) to enable or not this option.

  • Highlight Used Flow Elements : Selecting this option the Flow Elements of the game will be highlighted, when used. This feature could be distracting, and that's why it's optional.

  • Show Invalidations : Selecting this option the IMI (Invalid Move Indicators) of the game will be shown. This feature could be also distracting.
4.2 Graphics Configuration
In Tilerama, the graphics of the Board (also used for the borders of all the windows of the game, called 'GUI') and Tiles can be customized individually, using different .JPG or .BMP images. These images are located in the 'Graphics' folder of the installation directory of Tilerama. The images that contain the information to draw the boards are called 'GB Files' and the files that contain the tile set are called 'TS Files'. If the current Pattern includes tiles from the 'Picture Set', these can be replaced by any external .JPG or .BMP image. Read the full details in the next topics.

To open the 'Graphics Configuration' window, you have to press the Cfg button of the menu bar (see topic 2.1) and then the Graphics button of the configuration menu, or directly press the F4 key. The Figure 28 shows this window: 


Figure 28 : 'Graphics Configuration' window


In this window you can directly choose the wanted file for the board or tile set in the corresponding combo. The board will be automatically updated after every selection, even if you're already playing a game. Press the Button 'Custom Picture' to open the 'Custom Picture' window.

4.2.1 GUI + Board (GB) Files

As said before, the graphics to draw the elements of the board, including the bottom ('Info' zone) and the Menu Bar, are extracted from certain files located in the 'Graphics' folder, called 'GB'. The names of these files (JPG or BMP) begin with the letters 'GB' to differentiate them from the other graphic files. The Figure 29 shows an example of this kind of image :


Figure 29 : Example of a GB File : GB - Default.BMP


If you want to make your own GB Files, you should read the skin tutorial of Tilerama's Web Site, not included in this document. If you don't, simply choose which graphics want to use in the game, or get more from the mentioned web site.

4.2.2 Tile Set (TS) Files

From these files are extracted the graphics to draw the tiles of Tilerama. The names of these files (JPG or BMP) begin with the letters 'TS' and they are also located in the 'Graphics' folder. The Figure 30 shows an example of this kind of image :


Figure 30 : Example of a TS File : TS - Default.BMP


As you can see, the right half of the image is reserved for the 'Picture Tiles' of the set. This portion of the image can be replaced with any external image, as described in the next topic.

Some TS Files may not include this 'Picture' portion. In those cases, the 'Picture Tiles' of the default TS, shown in the Figure 30, will be used to replace them (if there's no Custom Picture selected).

The same things mentioned in the previous topic about making custom skins can be applied in TS Files.

4.2.3 Using Custom Pictures

To open the 'Custom Picture' window press the 'Custom Picture' button from the 'Graphics Configuration' window or directly the P key. The Figure 31 shows this window :


Figure 31 : 'Custom Picture' window


As said in the previous topic, you can replace the portion of the TS file that contains the tiles used for 'picture' puzzles, with any .JPG or .BMP image located in your hard disc.
  • Use the 'Custom Picture Enabled' checkbox to enable or not the use of this feature.
  • To choose the wanted picture, press the button 'Browse'. An 'Open Image' dialog box will appear, allowing you to search in your hard disc (or any drive) and select the image file.
  • Use the 'up-down' buttons to define which portion of your image will be used, and which portion of the current picture will be replaced. With the 'X' and 'Y' up-down buttons you can define the position (X = Left, Y = Top) of your image, relative to the first tile of the replaced picture. With the 'W' and 'H' up-down buttons you can define the dimension (W = Width, H = Height) of your image, relative to the dimension of the replaced picture (5x5 tiles).

These changes will be automatically updated in the actual board (be sure to have some 'Picture Tiles' in the current pattern) and also in the 'Preview' image, next to the up-down buttons. The best way to set these values is try until the result satisfies you.

Press 'Ok' to set these options or 'Cancel' to close this window without changes.

4.3 Sounds Configuration
To open the 'Sounds Configuration' window, you have to press the Cfg button of the menu bar (see topic 2.1) and then the Sounds button of the configuration menu, or directly press the F5 key. The Figure 32 shows this window: 


Figure 32 : 'Sounds Configuration' window


In this window you can select the .WAV files to use in the different sound events of the game. These .WAV files must be located in the 'Sounds' folder of the installation directory of Tilerama, otherwise they won't be included in the 'Sounds' combos.

Use the 'Sounds Enabled' checkbox to enable or not the sounds events of the game. You can listen the sound files selected using the 'Play' buttons next to the combos.
  • General Click : This sound is used when the user presses any button of the application.
  • Tile Move : This sound is played when the user moves a tile.
  • Puzzle Solved : This is used only when the puzzle becomes solved.
  • Game Over : This sound can be played when the player reaches the time or moves limit or when he aborts the game.
4.4 Music Configuration
To open the 'Music Configuration' window, you have to press the Cfg button of the menu bar (see topic 2.1) and then the Music button of the configuration menu, or directly press the F6 key. The Figure 33 shows this window:  


Figure 33 : 'Music Configuration' window


In this window you can select the .MID files to use during the game. These .MID files must be located in the 'Music' folder of the installation directory of Tilerama, otherwise they won't be included in the 'Music File' combo.

Use the 'Music Enabled' checkbox to enable or not the music during the game. You can listen the music file selected using the 'Play', 'Pause', and 'Stop' buttons next to the combo. There are three options regarding the order of the music files to play when the game start or when the actual song has ended:
  • Play Selected Music File : If this option is selected, always the same music file (selected in the combo) will be played.
  • Play All Music Files Randomly : If this option is enabled, all the music files located in the 'Music' folder will be played, in random order.
  • Play All Music Files in Alphabetic Order : If this option is enabled, all the music files located in the 'Music' folder will be played, in alphabetic order.