1. Game Rules
To understand the 'movement rules' of the game, you should read first the topics 1.1 and 1.2 in which there is a brief description of the different elements of the boards.
1.1 The Board
As mentioned in Chapter 0, Tilerama offers a platform for many boards. In the next figures are shown all the elements that you can find and their explanation. Some of the explanations may be obvious, but they introduce the terms used in the rest of the document.

Note : All figures used in this document are snapshots of the default skin. Other skins may have a different look, but the elements have (almost always) the same shape.

Figure 1 : Board Zones

The Figure 1 shows a simple board with two main zones:
  1. 'Board Zone' : This area serves as a limit for the 'Tiles Zone' (2), and is also used to locate the Flow Elements (see Figure 3).
  2. 'Tiles Zone' : This is the area where tiles are free to move. Here you can find Single and Compound Tiles, or Empty Spaces (see Figure 2).

Figure 2 : Tiles and Empty Spaces

The Figure 2 shows the same board, but indicates the different elements of the 'Tiles Zone':
  1. 'Single Tiles' : These are the basic pieces that you can find in the game. They can be single colors or part of a picture.
  2. 'Compound Pieces' : These pieces are formed by two or more tiles (three in this example) like the 'polimino' pieces in a tetris-like game.
  3. 'Empty Spaces' : When there's no tile in a certain point inside the 'Tiles Zone', this point is an Empty Space that can be occupied by any tile.

Figure 3 : Jumps and Turns

The Figure 3 shows a portion of a different board, and indicates the two 'Flow Elements' of the game:
  1. 'Jumps' : The small bars located in the border of the 'Board Zone' are called Jumps. Read the next topic for more details.
  2. 'Turns' : The small points located in the corners of the 'Board Zone' are called Turns. Read the next topic for more details. 
1.2 Flow Elements
In Tilerama, the flow elements are used to bring extra mobility to the tiles. Without these elements, the only way to move a tile would be through empty spaces.

1.2.1 Jumps

Jumps are symbolized by small bars (see Figures 3 and 4) located in the borders of the 'Board Zone'. These elements work always in pairs; one jump is called 'Jump In' and the other 'Jump Out'. When there's an attempt to move a tile through the 'Board Zone' and a Jump is located right in that border, this Jump becomes the 'Jump In'. Then, the moving tile will disappear from its original location and will appear in the 'Tile Zone' right next to the corresponding 'Jump Out'. Jumps are reversible, so any one of the pair may become Jump 'In' or 'Out'.
The best examples of the use of Jumps are in the Boards 'Classic A xx'. In these boards, the borders are full of Jumps, and all the pairs 'In' and 'Out' are opposite each other. The Figure 4 shows the board 'Classic A x3' with an example of a move using jumps. Note that the 'Jump Pair' used is highlighted (read the topic 4.1 to know how to disable this feature).

Figure 4 : Example of Jumps


1.2.2 Turns

Turns are symbolized by small points (see Figures 3 and 5) located in the corners of the 'Board Zone'. Unlike the Jumps, these elements work alone. When there's an attempt to move a tile through the corner of the 'Board Zone' and a Turn is located right in that corner, the tile will turn its direction, following the shape of the corner. 
The best examples of the use of Turns are in the Boards 'Atom X xc'. In these boards, there are Turns in every corner, making circular ways for the tiles. The Figure 5 shows a portion of the board 'Atom A 2c' with an example of a move using Turns. Again, note that the Turn used is highlighted.

Figure 5 : Example of Turns


1.3 Movement Rules
Single and Compound Tiles can be moved freely, inside the 'Tiles Zone'. As you can guess, tiles are pushed each other, that is, if there's a tile in the way, this will be pushed in the same direction. This is particularly important when you're moving Compound Tiles (directly or not), because these pieces can push several tiles at the same time.

There are a few rules regarding the behavior of the tiles when they reach the 'Board Zone', and other situations. Here are the rules and some comments about it (examples of them in the next topic):
  1. A movement is considered not valid if there's an attempt to move a Tile (Single or Compound) through the 'Board Zone' in a point where there's no 'Jump' or 'Turn' available.

The first rule is a little obvious. You can't move a tile outside the board, excepting the cases allowed by the 'Flow Elements', as described in the topic 1.2.

  1. A movement is considered not valid if there's an attempt to move a Compound Piece through the 'Board Zone', even if there's a 'Jump' or 'Turn' available.

This rule is not so obvious : Compound Tiles doesn't respond to 'Flow Elements'.. This is understandable if you think that generally is impossible to move a Compound Piece through Jumps or Turns without separate its tiles or disrupt its shape.

  1. A movement is considered not valid if there's an attempt to move a Tile (Single or as part of a Compound Piece) in two or more different directions at the same time.

You may think that this could never happen, since you can make only one move at the time. But in some boards this possibility exists, because the tile that you move can push other tiles through Jumps or Turns and make a circuit in which a tile is pushed twice, and in different directions. When this situation is detected, the movement is avoided.

  1. A movement is considered not valid if there's an attempt to move more than one Tile (Single or Compound) into an empty space, at the same time.

Again, you may think that this could never happen, since you can move only one Tile at the time. But in some boards this possibility exists, because of the same reasons described in the Rule 3, although with less frequency. When this situation is detected, the movement is avoided.

Important : You don't need to remember these rules! When some movement violates the rules described, it will be simply avoided, without punishment of any kind, and the corresponding 'Invalid Move Indicator' will appear (If this feature is enabled). Anyway, is important to know them to understand the behavior of the tiles in any board, with a simple look.

Read the next topic for examples of these situations.

1.4 Invalid Move Indicators (IMI)
When there's an attempt of move that violates any of the rules described in the topic 1.3, the move is not allowed and the reason of the invalidation is indicated by the corresponding 'Invalid Move Indicator' (IMI). This indication is optional; read the topic 4.1 for more details.

Here are the IMI's of the game, with some comments and examples:
  1. 'Tile Blocked' IMI : This IMI is used to indicate a violation to the Rules 1 or 2.

    The Figure 6 shows an example of a violation to the Rule 1. At the left is indicated the attempt of move of the user (black arrow), and the direction of the pushed tiles (red arrows). At the right you can see the corresponding 'Tile Blocked' IMI (the bar with negative colors drawn in the border of the 'Board Zone').


Figure 6 : Example of Rule 1 violation and 'Tile Blocked' IMI


The Figure 7 shows an example of a violation to the Rule 2. At the left is indicated the attempt of move of the user (black arrow) and the direction of the pushed, compound tile (red arrow). At the right you can see again the corresponding 'Tile Blocked' IMI.

Figure 7 : Example of Rule 2 violation and 'Tile Blocked' IMI used again


  1. 'Multi Direction' IMI : This IMI is used to indicate a violation to the Rule 3.

    The Figure 8 shows an example of a violation to the Rule 3. At the left is indicated the attempt of move of the user (black arrow), and the direction of the pushed tiles (red arrows). Note the action of the upper-right turn. As you can see, there's a tile that is pushed in two different directions, and in this tile (now look the figure at the right) has been drawn the 'Multi Direction' IMI (the cross with negative colors). Sometimes several tiles may be pushed like this, but the violation is indicated in the first conflicting tile detected, not in all of them.


Figure 8 : Example of Rule 3 violation and 'Multi Direction' IMI


  1. 'Collision' IMI : This IMI is used to indicate a violation to the Rule 4.

    The Figure 9 shows an example of a violation to the Rule 4. At the left is indicated the attempt of move of the user (black arrow), and the direction of the pushed tiles (red arrows). Note the action of the bottom turns. As you can see, two tiles want to occupy the same empty space, and in this empty space (now look the figure at the right) has been drawn the 'Collision' IMI (the square with negative colors). Sometimes several empty spaces may be in this situation, but the violation is indicated in the first conflicting empty space detected, not in all of them.


Figure 9 : Example of Rule 4 violation and 'Collision' IMI