I want to use UNIX commands within Windows 2000

The following table shows a sampling of Windows 2000 and UNIX commands and tools which perform similar functions.




This listing is intended to give you a starting place for locating similar functionality. Specific command functions and behavior may not match up exactly. Both UNIX and Windows 2000 command line tools can contain many switches. In addition, a command might behave differently depending on the flavor of UNIX on which it runs.

Italic: Indicates you will find this tool in the Services for UNIX product. This product includes a subset of the tools available from Mortice Kern System (MKS). Search for Services for UNIX at the InternetWindows 2000 Server Web site.
Bold: Indicated tool found in both Services for UNIX and either the Windows 2000 Resource Kit or the operating system.

UNIX Windows Windows location Command Description
\winnt\system32\ntcmds.hlp TCP/IP diagnostics: Displays and modifies the ARP cache (the IP address-to-hardware address translation table)
basenamebasenameServices for UnixStrip a directory and suffix from a file name.
catcat  Print one or more files to standard output.
cccc  Compile one or more C source files.
chgrp  Change the group ownership of a file.
chmodchmod, perms (display perm. only), attribServices for Unix, operating systemChange the access mode of one or more files (rwx).
chownchown Services for UnixChange the owner of a file.
compress/uncompress compress/expand  Compact a file or files so that they are smaller.
cp -p
 Copy a file.
cron;crontab,at,batch soon, at, Task Scheduler (GUI)Operating system Scheduler for kicking off processes, scripts or programs.
csh  Runs the C shell or runs a script of stored commands.
datenow  Displays the date. (Windows: the date command is used to change the date)
ddntbackup Operating systemBackup
dfClick My Computer|Properties.  Reports total number of free disk blocks on all mounted file systems.
diff, sdiff,cmp, dircmpwindiff (GUI, Support Tools), fc, comp Operating systemCompare the contents of files and/or directories.
dudiskuse, [GUI] open My Computer|Properties|General tab.Disk usage. diskuse,
echoecho  Display text back to standard out.
editedit  Start a command line editor. Note Has a text GUI on Windows.
egrepegrep Services for UnixLocate text within a file or files that match the specified regular expression. Doesn't support all regular expressions.
exportfsnet share   
fdiskDisk Administrator   
fgrepfgrep, find, Start|Search (GUI) Services for Unix, operating systemLocate text within one or more files that match a literal, text string pattern. Does not support regular expressions.
fileexetype, filever (Support Tools), Windows Explorer: right-click application, then select quick view from menu. Operating system, operating system (GUI) Display the file type.
findfind, Start|Search Services for UnixLocate a file.
fingerfinger Operating system--\winnt\system32TCP/IP connectivity: Displays information about users. User information can be displayed for remote computers as well as for the local computer.
ftpftp Operating system--\winnt\system32TCP/IP connectivity: Transfer a file between systems.
fsckchkdsk Operating system--\winnt\system32 
grepgrep, findstr, find  Locate text within a file or files that match the specified regular expression.
groupsshowgrps, findgrp, showmbrs  Display which groups a user belongs to.
headhead Services for UnixDisplay the first n lines of a file.
historyhistory Services for Unix (sh)Show the command history. (sh)
hostnamehostname Operating system--\winnt\system32TCP/IP diagnostics: Displays the name of the local host.
ipconfigipconfig /all, getmac Operating system--\winnt\system32TCP/IP diagnostics: Displays the TCP/IP configuration for each adapter specified and is used to release and renew DHCP IP address leases. Get the MAC address of a specific computer.
join  Joins the lines of two files.
killkill (Support Tools), rkill, wrkill (GUI), pviewer (GUI, Support Tools), Task Manager (GUI) Operating system Terminate a specified PID or job ID.
kshkshServices for UnixRuns a Korn shell.
lastusrstat ....
lint  A C program verifier.
listlist Services for UnixCreate a list.
ln -s
Right-click object, select Create Shortcut.
Services for UnixCreates a link to a file.
lplpr (for LPD-based printers), print file (text files), File|Print (GUI) Print a file (System V).
lpqlpq operating system--\winnt\system32Lists the status of all the available printers on BSD UNIX.
lprlpr, print file (text files) Operating system--\winnt\system32Prints a file (BSD).
lpstat   Lists status of all available printers System V systems.
lsls Services for UnixList the contents of a directory.
mkdirmkdir Services for UnixCreate a directory.
moremore Services for UnixDisplays text one screen at a time.
mountmountvol Operating system 
mvmv,move or rename Services for Unix, operating systemRenames a file or moves it from one directory to another directory.
nbstatnbstat Operating system--\winnt\system32TCP/IP diagnostics: This is a diagnostic tool that displays protocol statistics and current TCP/IP connections using NBT (NetBIOS over TCP/IP).
netstatnetstat Operating system--\winnt\system32TCP/IP diagnostics: Displays TCP/IP protocol statistics, current connections, and the local routing table.
niceTask Manager (GUI), start  Change execution priority for command.
nslookupnslookup  DNS: Query name servers. Resolve IP Addresses to Host Names. Resolve Host Name to IP Address(es). Returns Aliases as well as the Host's Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).
perlperl Services for UnixRun perl.
pingping Operating system--\winnt\system32TCP/IP diagnostics: Determines whether a specific IP address is accessible. It works by sending a packet to the specified address and waiting for a reply.
ps tlist (Support Tools), pstat, pmon (Support Tools), pulist  List processes.
pwdcd (no arguments) List the current directory.
quotaMy Computer|Properties|Quota tab  Display the disk quota available to users.
rarp  TCP/IP diagnostics: How to get your own IP address, when all you know is your link address. Used to query a router table.
rcprcp Operating system--\winnt\system32TCP/IP connectivity: Copies files between computer.
rexecrexec Operating system--\winnt\system32TCP/IP connectivity: The rexec and rexecd programs allow remote execution. Unlike rlogin, rsh, and rcp, rexecd does not use the trusted host mechanism.
rlogintelnet Services for Unix, operating system, Resource KitConnects the local host with a remote host
rmrm, erase, del Services for Unix, operating systemDelete a file.
rmdirrmdir, rmdir Services for Unix, operating systemDelete a directory.
routeroute Operating system--\winnt\system32TCP/IP diagnostics: Displays and modifies the local route table.
rshrshsvc  TCP/IP connectivity: Runs a command on another computer.
script[scenario recorder in visual test is the only thing so far...]  Capture a record of a command session to a text file.
sedsed Services for UnixStream editor.
setenvsetx, set, My Computer|Properties|Advanced tab, select Environment Variables (GUI)  Set user environment variables.
shsh Services for UnixRuns the Bourne shell.
sortsort, sort Operating system--\winnt\system32Sort characters.
stop  Suspend the current background job or background job specified by job ID
susu  Log on as a different user.
suspend   Suspend the current foreground job. (Often used with su.)
tailtail Services for UnixDisplay the last n lines of a file.
tar  Consolidate files and directories into a single file.
teetee Services for UnixDuplicate stdin; send one copy to standard output and another copy to files.
telnettelnet Operating system--\winnt\system32TCP/IP connectivity: Provides a terminal emulation session.
toppmon (Support Tools)  Display dynamic CPU statistics.
touchtouch  Update file access and modification times.
tracerttracert Operating system--\winnt\system32TCP/IP diagnostics: Traces the route followed to a destination showing how many hops the packet requires to reach the host and how long each hop takes.
uniquniq Services for UnixPrints the unique lines in a sorted file.
uptimesrvinfo -s, net statistics (in first few lines)  List how long system has been up.
vivi  Start the vi editor.
w  Print summaries of system usage. (Combination of uptime, who, and ps -a.)
wait  Wait for all background processes to complete, and report their termination status. Used in shell scripts.
wcwc Services for UnixCount the number of words in a file.
whosrvinfo (services), srvcheck (valid shares), perfmtr  Display information about the current status of the system. (Current users, and so on.)
whoamiwhoami  Print effective user name.