
This command-line tool offers a batch method for setting environmental variables in the user or computer environment from a variety of sources, without any programming or scripting. Besides taking both the variable and value from the command line, it can also take values from registry keys and offsets into text files.

Without SetX, there is no command-line or programmatic way to directly set system environment values for Microsoft® Windows® 2000. These are configureable only through Control Panel or through a registry editor (Regedit or Regedt32). The SET command, which is internal to the command interpreter (Cmd.exe), sets only user environment variables for the environment of the current console window.

SetX allows you to set values for variables in either the user or computer environment from one of three sources: Command Line Mode, Registry Mode, and File Mode.

SetX resembles the UNIX utility SETENV. For more information about UNIX cognates in Windows 2000 and Windows 2000 Resource Kits, see "I want to use UNIX commands within Windows 2000".

For syntax details, at the command prompt, type:
One Stepsetx /? or setx (without parameters)
to display command-line options for all three modes.

For additional information and examples for all three modes, type
One Stepsetx -i

SetX Topics

File Required