
This command-line tool displays processes running on local or remote computers. PuList works much like TList (a Support Tool on the Windows 2000 CD), but also lists the user name associated with each process on a local computer.

A local computer is specified by running the tool with no command-line arguments. In this case, PuList displays the process name and ID of each process running on the system, and also attempts to obtain the user name associated with each. This is useful if multiple processes are running on the system in different security contexts—PuList provides a mechanism for differentiating such processes.




The ability to obtain the user name from each process is dependent on whether the caller has sufficient access to the access token in each process. For best results, run PuList from an Administrator account or from the Local System account (running under a service running as Local System).

Remote computers are targeted by specifying one or more computer names on the command line. PuList displays the computer name followed by a list of running processes. If an error occurs when querying process information, the error string is displayed instead of the process information.

PuList can be used by network administrators to determine what processes are running on servers and workstations on a network. Furthermore, batch-file developers can redirect the output of the tool to a file and leverage this information in useful ways.

For example, if you know the name of the executable file you're looking for, for example Notepad.exe, the following command line will help narrow your results. Grep is a POSIX utility not installed by default by Windows 2000 Resource Kit Setup.

pulist | grep notepad

PuList Topics

File Required