Exclusive off-line version for "Gambler" Readers!

The collection of "used" news from the top of the starting page - for all the people who are being late in reading.

News - 19.09.1999

Welcome to our home page! Since now, every change made to this site, as well as all the news concerning the E13 project, will be mentioned here - in English :)

News - 07.09.1999

Changes in Hall of Fame, and a new section of Stuff - we are showing first "making-of" photos; a lot of 3D departament works is also uploaded (look for them inside the Ships section).
Situation inside the team has stabilized, an we finally decided to tell you what will this movie be about - visit the Story section.
Cooperation: SW Archive (a big polish SW site) has made a section with our news and team info! Our site is about to be recorded in off-line version on a a few CDs sold with magazines - stay tuned! There are few new sites for you to visit in the Links section - you will learn where is E13 team surfing after-hours.
We are working on TWO versions of E13 trailer, and on sounds for some of the older videos.
Thanx for EMails with praises (we get such as well!), remarks and suggestions. We reply to all of them.

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