Exclusive off-line version for "Gambler" Readers!

Below you may find a few words about some of the things that'll probably make it to the final version of "Star Wars: Episode 13 - The Final Trial". But that's a pure theory... Even WE don't have a clue what it will look like :)
The famous beginning - yellow letters scrolling into the infinite space...

Many years have passed since the victorious insurrection against the evil GALACTIC EMPIRE. Under the wise and just rule of the senate, the NEW REPUBLIC is thriving.

With the revival of ancient customs, JEDI ACADEMIES are being rebuilt throughout the galaxy. From every civilised world, eager young people travel there, willing to devote their lives to learning the ways of the Force.

Upon the completion of their education, each and every one of them is faced with the FINAL TRIAL, the ultimate challenge for both the mind and the body. Having just completed their studies, four neophytes are now waiting to embark on their test...

After a short introduction back on the Coruscant, the adepts depart for their trial - which is about to take place on a distant, uncharted planet. Emerging from their shuttle onto the hillside flooded by the bright light of alien sun, they feel a bit lost. And little they know about the Dark Side lurking ahead - about the events that will soon change their lives forever.

But it won't be only the Dark Side that they'll have to worry about. Clones, Hutts, power-hungry Jedi masters - are just a few of the dangers our four heroes will have to face...

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