Exclusive off-line version for "Gambler" Readers!

Most of our ships is still waiting in the dry (or at least so we hope) docks in the computers of our 3D artists. Below - a sample of their creations.

Nar Shaddaa - the whole moon is covered by the towering buildings of the Vertical City. Behind - Nal Hutta. After a while - like in any good Star Wars movie, an enormous freighter slowly appears from behind the camera, roaring through the void (well, only it's engines can be seen on our screenshot :)

Here you can take a look at the above-mentioned freighter from two other perspectives.

Preliminary development phase of some weird transport ships. Still a lot of work to do here...

A few variations on the transport, plus some X-Wings for added atmosphere.

Somehow the transport has changed it's status to light alien battleship. Also here - a few alien fighters.

Some more of that. Coming soon - a few space battle flics. Stay tuned!

First version of one of the Huttese ships. We're looking forward to seeing more of these, not to mention Hutts themselves!

Aliens versus Hutts!

That one's for all the unbelievers out there - that's how it all started (to the left), plus a small ship to fill the skyways on Coruscant and other metropolies.

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