Exclusive off-line version for "Gambler" Readers!

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Latest News

[ 10.10.1999 ]

Welcome on the special off-line version of E13 Home Site! We want to thank the Editors for putting it on a CD, and the Readers for showing interest in it.
And here it comes - it took a long time to bring it to you - the OFFICIAL E13 TRAILER is avialable in VIDEO section!
Another movie got and audio track - check out Jedi's workout in Videos.
Hoping to make more movies available to everyone who visits us we've decided to compress every new film in MPEG1 standard.
We have almost finished all outdoor sesions. Now the most difficult parts are waiting - fights and blue-box. Wish us luck!

Former NEWS are
available HERE.


Welcome to the official site of an unofficial Star Wars saga continuation - Episode 13 - The Final Trial! Here you will find everything (rd. everything what we've prepared for the web publication) that concerns/will concern/ever concerned Episode 13. Anyway, without further formalities, we invite you to get acquainted with materials below (or to the left, if you are using the frame-version :)
Our Mission

Or - what the hell is going on and when the world's going to end. Not to mention - why the [----] there is no full 2-hours version of E13 of Video-CD quality and size 500 Kb to download....

The Story

If you feel lost - here are some clues on what is E13 about.

Gabor + Friends

Don't read if you don't like really stupid jokes...

...or enter and meet devoted and hard working people which right now pore over computers, cameras and plasticine (?) to bring E13 to the world.


Videos, screenshots, 3D models & banners - just what tigers like the most!


Send us an EMail. Bomb letters will be sent back, though.


...to the coolest sites about SW - and more.

This horrendous site is maintained by QBOK (visit his page here) & POZIOMKA

(legal crap :)

All material/motives/characters and whatever else you might find on this page (especially stuff owned by LucasArts, LucasFilm, LucasWhatever, PepsiCo, MoldInABottleCo, Coca-Cola Company or even Big Fat Capitalistic Pig Corporation) is used for strictly educational and non-commercial purposes (this means we don't get big bucks for it - no bucks at all, to be honest - only the eternal fame :)

Also, creators of this page are in no way responsible for any damage or harm (whether mental or material) arising from the use/misuse of materials contained on this page. In other words - if your computer explodes, your house burns down, your car gets squashed flat by meteor shower and your carrots get all eaten by some nasty bug - don't blame us!