World-Wide Amiga Headlines

Amiga-only TV show in Britain
News Date : 19 March, 1997
News Source: AmigaSoc

AmigaSoc is pleased to announce what ought to be the UK's first Amiga-only TV programme due to start on BSkyB's "Computer Channel" next week (the week starting Monday 17th March) at 6:45 - 7pm, Mon-Thurs, and repeated at the weekend) Channel 58 on the Sky Transponder (after Granada Good Life). It's called "Chips With Everything" (well we didn't pick the name!).

The show will be feature a panel of Amiga people including Dan Winfield (founder of AmiLon -the Amiga London User Group, erstwhile web/perl columnist for Amiga Computing magazine, Marketing Director for IMMStudios, and AmigaSoc member). Alongside him will be Nick Veitch of Amiga Format - one of the most popular Amiga mags in the world (as if you didn't know!), and Sean Flowers from respected Amiga dealer, Direct Software.

Some of the things to be touched upon in the first show will be exactly WHY the Amiga has got on just fine without Commodore, WHY the Amiga is such a good tool for connecting to the Internet, and of course multitudinous plugs for Direct Software!

Please bear in mind that if there is a good response to the first few shows, then it will definitely become a regular feature. It's up to you!

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