World-Wide Amiga Headlines

NewTekniques Update
News Date : 16 March, 1997
News Source: NewTekniques Info List

Greetings again!

I just returned from my trip to Advanstar and San Diego. I had a great time at both and even had short stops at Universal Studios and Foundation Imaging. Below I've updated you on the latest information available.

Last Wednesday I spent the day at Advanstar looking over the final proofs for NewTekniques. Advanstar is very strict on quality and each article had already gone by two copy editors. The design artist, Jacqui Summers, wanted the headers for each column to be "perfect", so she had been staying into the evenings to accomplish that.

By the end of the day, about half of the editorial content of the magazine had been forwarded for printing preparations. Everything is on schedule and the magazine will ship April 1 as promised.

When you receive the first issue, your feedback will be VERY VITAL to me. Please take the time to e-mail me your comments, suggestions, and thoughts. Keep in mind that we are allowed 49 editorial pages to present all of our information in (advertising, etc. makes up the rest of the magazine). How well do you think the information was presented in those 49 pages? What would you have done differently? How well did YOU benefit from the first issue? All these questions will be vital in helping me shape the future direction of the magazine.

Issue number one ships in just two weeks (April 1). Exactly three months later, issue number two will ship (August 1). We have already begun collecting information for that issue.

The trip to San Diego was great! I really enjoyed my time at Lively Computers with members of The Professional Toaster/Flyer Users Group. I did a two hour presentation that consisted mostly of Flyer tutorials like continuous 50/50 fades, audio under techniques, improving audio, creating cool 3D titles in two easy steps, creating multiple LightWave Flyer surfaces, and digitizing techniques. I also gave some LightWave 4.1 bug workarounds. At the meeting I announced the release of my first book for Flyer owners called the Flyer Mastery Guide. The press release on that appears directly below. For more information, check out The Breakfast Club website at

Note to Editors: Video Toaster, Video Toaster Flyer, and LightWave 3D are registered trademarks of NewTek, Inc.

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