"The Cycle: Dragon, dzur, and creotha; athyra, hawk,
and phoenix; teckla and jhereg.
They danced before my eyes. The Dragaeran Empire, its
population divided into seventeen Great Houses, each with
its animal representation, seemed to unfold in my hands.
Here was the Empire of Dragaerans, and here was I, the
Easterner, the outsider.
It wouldn't get any easier.
The eyes of no gods upon me, I began."
- Stephen Brust

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Welcome to my home. Sit down, relax for awhile. It's good to have you here...I don't get many visitors. You may wish to know a little about me, but probably not. There are going to be some improvements to this site in the next month or so. I hope that you'll return often to see how this site progresses.

(Click on arrows)
Personal Information ('nuff said)

Background, Icon, and Line Archive (Image mapped for convenience)

The Gaming Page (Links to some of the major gaming companies)

Software (Software that I use, Software archives of freeware and shareware)

[Personal Info | Backgrounds/Icons/Lines | Games | Software]

This site was created using the "Hot Dog Pro" web page editor.
Thanks to the people at "The Web Counter" for the aforementioned.

You are visitor number to this site since
March 1st, 1996

E-mail me at asburys@spots.ab.ca

Thanks to Spots Interconnect for the server space.

Last update: August 11, 1997
Any text, images, sound, and video media
are property of respective owners.