Jhereg's Game Page

Below is a list of some of the bigger gaming companies.

Activision- The makers of MechWarrior 2, and the Ghost Bear's Legacy expansion pack.
Infocom- The people who brought you those fantastic text games(like the earlier Zork games and Hitchhiker's Guide). Note: This is not a page put up by Infocom.

Happy Puppy Games- Free Demo games, hints, cheats. Just about anything to suit your gaming needs.

Interplay- The makers of Stonekeep and Descent.

LucasArts- The people who brought you Dark Forces, X-Wing, Tie Fighter, Rebel Assault, and Full Throttle.

Origin- The people who brought you the Wing Commander sieries.

Sierra- Makers of Metaltech/Earthsiege, Battledrome, and the King's Quest series.

Sierra's "The Realm"- A King's Quest type of game that you play on the 'net against other people from around the world. Still in the testing stages, but it's worth trying out.

Spectrum Holobyte/Microprose- The ones who brought you X-Com: UFO Defense and the follow-up Terror from the Deep, Falcon 3.0, Star Trek: The Next Generation "A Final Unity", and the TETRIS series.

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March 1st, 1996

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Last update: April 3rd, 1996
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