Personal Info

So, you wish to know a little about me?

Well, to begin with, I'm a transplanted American living in Canada. I moved to Canada in September of '95 to be with the love of my life(whom I met on the 'net) and then asked her to be my wife. We met on a chat line(bianca's Pillow Talk Lounge) and talked there, and on the phone, for about two months before we arranged to meet in Las Vegas. It was then that I asked her to marry me. I moved to Canada about a month after that and we got married on December 24th, 1995.

I've only owned a computer(IBM PS/1 486DX2) for about two years now, and I've been hooked up to the internet for almost a year. I enjoy playing computer games(mostly simulator and role-playing) and surfing the net.

Other activities include reading(mostly fiction), bicycling, model building(sci-fi), and listening to music(all kinds). More interests to be developed at a later date. Hey! I'm only 30.

Oh, my wife has a page called "The Page that NobleCause Built".

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March 1st, 1996

E-mail me at

Thanks to Spots Interconnect for the server space.
Last update: March 1st, 1996
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