Jhereg's Software Links

The software listed below is what I am currently using on my PC. If you are on a Mac(and I feel sorry for you) I have also listed whether or not there is a Mac version available. At the bottom of the page are some links that will take you to different software archives.

One important thing to remember!!!

It is not necessary to purchase any of the big money software packages(Internet in a box, Internet Chameleon, etc.) that you may find on the shelves of your local software shop. Anything you might need to surf the net you can find on the net. The links below are a good place to start.

I hope you find what you're looking for.

(Click on the images to jump)

Netscape- Of course, I use Netscape for a browser. Of the others that I have used, I find that this one is the best. They also have a version for Macs.

E-mail Connection - One of the best e-mail applications that I have seen. Easy to set up and easy to use. Mac version available.

Free Agent- This is the best news reader I've seen. Online/offline access. Great for those of you who are paying out the ear for internet access(AOL, Prodigy, Compuserve). Sorry, no Mac version.

WS-FTP- This application is a standard File Transfer Protocol (FTP) client application for Windows Sockets. The user interface for this FTP client is designed with the novice FTP user in mind. No Mac version.

Winzip- The best compression/decompression utility. Period! And it's self-extracting...so you don't need PKUNZIP to get it. As the title suggests...no Mac version.

mIRC - Internet Relay Chat software. Once again...the best. And, once again, no Mac version. (Kinda makes you wanna buy a PC, huh?)

Wscan- Once more, I bring you the best! McAffe Virus Scanner. You don't want to bring any of those little bugs home, do you? Hey, they even have a Mac version!

EZ-Split- EZ-Split is an easy to use file splitter. The purpose of EZ-Split is to take a huge file and split it across multiple diskettes. Some of EZ-Split's features are as follows: Split file from hard drive to any size (density) floppy, split files to either blank or partially filled diskettes, configurable to your particular system, easily re-join split files. EZ-Split is great for archiving big files to diskette in case the need to restore arises. Also good for transporting large files between PC's. No Mac version.

If you can't find what you're looking for in the links below, it probably doesn't exist.

Stroud's Consummate Winsock Apps.- A great place to find the software that you're looking for. The listings at Stroud's CWSApps. only contains software for Windows.

Jumbo!- "The Biggest, Most Mind-Boggling, Most Eye-Popping, Most Death-Defying Conglomeration of Freeware and Shareware Programs on the Known-Web!" Plenty of Mac software here, too.

Tucows- "The world's best collection of Winsock Software, Tools and Utilities on the 'Net!"

UTexas Mac software download site.- See, someone cares about you Mac owners.

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E-mail me at asburys@spots.ab.ca

Thanks to Spots Interconnect for the server space.

Last update: April 4th, 1996
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