© Team17 Software Ltd.

Programed in HiSoft Devpac by Christian Nylen
Beta testing by Lennart Friden

newThe first and only version of The Killing Editor is now available: TheKillingEditor.lha
Unfortunately The Killing Editor seems to be dead in the water as Chris Nylen and Lennart Friden have disappeared off the face of the web. If anyone has information about where the authors have gone or you know something about what has happened to their project please get in contact with me

Here is a list of the editors that were to be available within The Killing Editor (TKE) and some information about them:

  • Linkup

    • Much faster %100 Asm.
    • Nice GUI, Hotkeys, Gadgets, Menus.
    • Shows the levels names too!.
    • Help display in top of window that shows Hotkeys and more.
    • Linkup faster by configuring it to close the system when working.
    • Checks every level, and if there is no level the level gadget is disabled.
EditorDemo1.gif A big error has been found in the AMOS linkup, it can only linkup levels in the AB3:LEVELS/ directory!. Now in this editor it looks for the levels in the directory you saved the TEST.LNK drawer, for example: you have the drawers LEVEL_A to LEVEL_B in Ram:T/ then when you linkup level A the program will save the and twolev.flymap in the drawer Ram:T/LEVEL_A/.
  • Gamelinker

    Not much to say, gui, hotkeys, menus, help display on every window.

  • Level ed

    This editor is not available in the first version, it will take some time to implement so an upgrade will be made available when it is finished.

  • Pm, Pgc, Pg

    These cli scripts are to be converted into a gui window called the "Level Decruncher" so the only thing you need to do when packing you levels is pressing a button. Now I know what you think, "but if i pack my level twice what then"?, don't worry, the editor checks if the files are packed or not.

  • FibComp

    This editor packs the samples in the game, you don't need to do this but you may want to save some bytes. It will also be possible to unpack the samples too.

  • Palette Creator

    This editor allows you to change the palette in the game, I don't know if anyone has any use for this so it will be in some other version of the editor.

  • Save game editor

    This editor is used to change the saved game file. Change level, weapons, etc.. this editor allows you to have "30000" of everything, imagine that every weapon has "30000" ammo, and "30000" life.

  • Configuration

    Here you can change everything in the editor, start directorys for the file requesters, disable system when working "Linkup editor",Screenmode, and much more..

Updated 8th August 1997

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