Amiga Web Network


Members can log in here to view their current site statistics, including the number of credits they have earned, the number of banner impressions they have received, and the number of clicks on their banners. You can also view where your banners have been displayed recently.

The Amiga Web Network is a cooperative advertising network for Amiga web sites and Amiga products. Members supply us with 400x40 GIF banners, and we display them on other members' sites at a 2:1 ratio.

If you are interested in free advertising for your products or web page, create a banner which is 400x40 pixels, and fill out the registration form.

Members include Omnipresence International (IBrowse), Haage & Partner (Stormc), CU-Amiga Magazine, Nova Design (ImageFX), and many more!

Register - Become a new member site
Sample Report
1996 Amiga Web Network Banner Awards - NEW!
Demographic Targetting - NEW!
Frequently Asked Questions
Amiga Web Links
Here is some sample code (please note that the account number is used already):

<A HREF="">
<IMG WIDTH=400 HEIGHT=40 SRC= ALT="Amiga Web Network"></A>
Member of the <A HREF="">Amiga Web Network</A>.</FONT><P>

And here is what it looks like:

Amiga Web
Member of the Amiga Web Network.

Fill out the registration form to get registered. Please wait a few days for registration (we will email you). If you do not receive a response, feel free to contact us again via email. The most common reasons why sites are not added are incomplete submissions, sites that are not Amiga specific, and sites that do not yet have banners.
For more information, or to sign up, email