Amiga Web Network


Q. What does Demographic Targetting mean?
This is the ability to show banners only to people who meet demographic criteria, such as their location in the world, the type of computer they use, and the browser they are using.

Q. How will this affect my clickthru ratio?
By targetting your banners to people who are more interested in your products and services, you will have higher clickthru ratios than you would if you used untargetted banners. For example, if your home page is exclusively in German, and you sell products for German Amiga users, you can have your banner shown only to Amiga users that are in Germany and its neighboring countries. You may also selectively block a country if you do not sell products in that country.

Q. Can I target a computer platform or operating system?
You can choose to target a computer platform such as Amiga, Macintosh, PC, or UNIX, as well as the browser the user has, such as AWeb, Amiga Voyager, IBrowse, Netscape, and Microsoft Internet Explorer. If your site for example offers IBrowse plugins, you can target only IBrowse users. If you have Amiga and Macintosh software, you could also target just those operating systems.
If you wanted, you could use geographic targetting, and show your banners only to Amiga users in the UK. Be aware that many Amiga users use Macintosh emulators to acces the internet, and many use Windows 95 at work or as a second machine at home, so you may wish to target all operating systems.

Q. Can I target another member's page?
Yes, you can select another member's page to target your banner to. For example, if your site is about a popular game, you can have your banner appear on that publisher's site, if you are both members. Likewise, if you are a publisher, you can have your banner appear on pages which belong to dealers who are members.

Q. Can I show one banner for my Amiga products and one for my PC products?
Yes, you can have multiple banners, each pointing to different URL's on your server, each targetted to different demographic profiles of your desired users. If an Amiga user visits an AWN site, it will display your Amiga banner. If a PC user visits the site, it can load a PC targetted banner instead.
The same can be done for languages. You can have one banner in English and one in German, each pointing to different pages on your server.

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