Amiga Web Network

Amiga Web Network - Register

You may only have one account number.
400x40 GIFCreate a 400x40 GIF image and place it on your web site. Then complete the rest of this form.
Site Name
GIF Image
What is the Amiga's desktop or operating system called? AmigaOS or AmigaDOS are not acceptible answers. If you are using an Amiga web browser you do not have to answer this question.
Yes, I have read the FAQ and understand the Rules and Regulations.
Yes, my site contains information specific to Amiga users, and I understand that my account will be deleted if it does not meet the requirements stated in the Rules and Regulations.
Yes, I have already FTP'd my GIF. Otherwise the registration will not work.
Rules and Regulations

1. Amiga Web Network is a free service provided to members of the Amiga community that have a Amiga web site or a Amiga product.

2. All members will have their banners displayed no less than once for every two banners they display of other members.

3. Amiga Web Network will be notified by email within reasonable time under any situation where the content of a banner is found to be offensive or inconsistent with the views of the member site. Amiga Web Network will be given reasonable time to stop the occurance from occuring again, and will not be held liable for any inconveniences or legal issues.

4. Amiga Web Network will determine the order that banners are displayed on member sites, and which banners will be displayed on each member site, using a round-robin or similar algorithm.

5. Amiga Web Network will make all judgements determining the awarding of credits for banners to be displayed on member sites and for members. Members may request access log reports only by notifying Amiga Web Network in advance that the member would like future banner displays and click thrus to be recorded.

6. Amiga Web Network reserves the right to cancel any account at any time for any reason.