Amiga Web Network


Q. Why do I keep seeing the same banner every time?
There are a few reasons why this may happen. If the owner of that banner has a large number of unused credits, that banner will be displayed many times in a row.
If your browser does not send an HTTP_REFERER element, then you may see the same banner every time you visit any AWN page.
Also and most importantly, banners are deployed at the rate of one banner every few seconds. If a person constantly reloads a page, there is a good chance that he will only see high-traffic banners from sites that have large amounts of credits. It may seem, using this method of reloading a page, that some sites are receiving unfair banner distribution. However, if you perform a test by loading only one banner across a variety of different pages which belong to different members, you will clearly see that members banners are displayed according to the ratio set forth in our regulations.

Q. How do I increase my credit?
There are numerous ways to increase your credit. One is to display other people's banners using the HTML code that we provide you, along with your unique account number.
Please see our free credits page.

Q. How much extra does it cost to advertise a commercial product?
Unlike other link exchanges, we are not charging for commercial ads. They currently follow the same rules as all other banner ads in the Amiga Web Network. They are free. However, if you would like to buy ad space, we are open to suggestions. :)

Q. Can I put the banner anywhere on my page?
Yes, at this time you may put it anywhere. We may however ask you to change the location when we do a random visual inspection. If you refuse, we will disconnect your service. :)
Also, you have a unique ID number for your account. One ID number is used for every URL you want your ad banner to point to. You can display ads on any page of yours you want; as long as we record your ID number through the banner.cgi script, your account will be registering. If you use someone else's ID number, you will be giving credits to someone else! If someone uses your account number on his page, you will get the credit for it! And you can put our HTML code on any page you want, as long as it only appears once per page.

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