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  Clipper Generic Files
  50LIEF.ARJ   Tbrowse and achoice shell example from greg lief
 .ACCESS.ARJ   Clipper 5.0 test memory access
 .ACH2TB.ARJ   Achoice to TBrowse, full Clipper source
  ALERT.ARJ    Alert() replacement for 5.01 w/mouse support
  ANSICL52.ARJ Display ANSI file without ANSI.SYS (use internal clipper screen function)
  ARCVIE.ARJ   View ARC,ZIP,ZOO,LZH,ARJ from clipper GREAT !!!
  ARRAY.ARJ    Examples of ASORT and codeblocks
  ARRMAC.PRG   TbEdit Fix
  BACKLIB.ARJ  Fast and efficient Backup/Restore library for Clipper 5.01.
  BBLINK.ARJ   Util (.LNK/.MAK) for Blinker 1.51, Construction automatique d'un Fichier Sc
  BCSTBP.ARJ   Printing from TBROWSE
  BLI151.ARJ   Blinker Maintenance Update from v1.v1.51
 .BLOCK.ARJ    Sample Game in Clipper
  BP501.ARJ    Blinker Profiler rewrited for Blinker 1.5x and clipper 5.01
 .BUTTON.ARJ   Get reader - treats logical variable as button
  BWARE.ARJ    Some CLipper, Assembler and C function for CLipper
  C5REP6.ARJ   Replacement for FRMRUN.PRG, Includes 2 patches
  CALC.ARJ     CALCULATOR, and many other utilities with sources
 .CALC14.ARJ   Calculator (as .OBJ)
  CAPITALS.ARJ DEMO: Function to correctly Capitalize Names,addresses,ect.
  CFOS_001.ARJ ?S87? Clipper Modem Control Library. COmplete FOSSIL interface
  CHF4DBFS.ARJ Faciliting array-based data entry, Clipper 5.01 source
  CHMULT.ARJ   Convert single user PRG to Multi user prg using preprocessors cmd
  CHMULT.AR0   Set of .CH defintions for building multiuser applic.
 .CIVMIL.ARJ   Civilian-to-military (and vice versa) time conversion
  CL.ARJ       REplacedment for CL.BAT coming with Clipper
  CL501S.ARJ   Clipper Blinker Memory Saving link script !GOOD!
  CL5102.ARJ   version of report of bug and anomalies found in Clipper 5.01 version !!!!
  CLHLP2.ARJ   Clipper help V2.0 pour S87 et 5.01
  CLIP-BUG.ARJ Recreatable bugs in Clipper 5.01
  CLIP2M.ARJ   Borland IDE working for CLIPPER
  CLIP5R.ARJ   Report Writer for Clipper 5.01 (January 1992)
  CLIPDEV.ARJ  Clipper Development Enviornment. Included demo of SWAP! library
  CLIPSS.ARJ   Clipper SpreadSheet, (.OBJ) ,Tbrowse, Get et Error Object
 .CLIPSWAP.ARJ Swap on disk for Clipper 5.01 (demo)
  CLP2RMK.ARJ  Converk .CLP into .RMK files for RTLINK
  CLPMOUSE.ARJ a windowing/event driven library + mouse support (parts share, parts PD)
  CMORE.ARJ    nice modified PE.EXE, source included
  COLOUR.ZIP   Color setting program
  COMSOFT.ARJ  COMSOFT.LIB, interrupt driven timeouts for wait states (e.g.get-read)
  COMSTUFF.ARJ Clipper functions for doing basic serial i/o
  COMTEST.ARJ  Schnittstellen Analyse mit Clipper
  COND.ARJ     Create conditional Index, like SubNtx, with Clipper 5.01 source
  COPYFI.ARJ   Copy file faster than clipper command
  CORRUPT.ARJ  Clipper memory corruption example w/workaround
  C_BROWSE.ARJ Tbrowse avec une recherche par cl. d'index
  DBDWIND2.ARJ Windows for Clipper - fast ASM routines
  DBE2TB.ARJ   This ZIP file contains about 30 examples how to use TBROWSE. GOOD!
  DBMEM.ARJ    Aufbau und Struktur der *.MEM Files
  DBOBJECT.ARJ 5.0x Sample how to create NEW PSUDO OBJECTs
 .DBSCN2.ARJ   DbScreen 2.0, Screen design  utility, generates Cl 5.0x source
  DBUNEU.ARJ   New DBU with some added functionality
  DCBETA2.ARJ  Beta version of D-Clip, libraries
  DBGAUX.ARJ   DBGAUX for Nanforum toolkit
  DEF220.ARJ   Neue Version Define checker (fuer PREDBF) V2.20
  DELEMPTY.ARJ deletes all empty databases in current
  DEV.ARJ      Clipper development environment. Included demo of SWAP! library
  DFLIPP.ARJ   Standalone database engine for .DBF compatible environment
 .DIAL.ARJ     simple modem dialer
  DIRMAN.ARJ   Directory manager - Source
  DKCOLOR.ARJ  Nice Color Utility.
  DLB208.ARJ   Beta version of D-Clip, libraries
  DLDBEVAL.ARJ 5.0x How to combine ACHOICE with DBEVAL
  DOMAIN.ARJ   Clipper 5.01 code to modify config.sys
  DOMAIN.PRG   Functions for changing CONFIG.SYS
  DSTRUCT.ARJ  5.0x  Util that creates 5hedaer file for databases.
  EJECT.ARJ    Cloture du Spooler sur Lan Manager lors d'une edition vers Lan Man (.prg)
  ERRINSP.ARJ  Error Inspector v1.0 - Diagnostic Error Handler
  ERS501.ARJ   5.01  Tim Palmquist version of nice ERRORSYS.PRG for 5.01
  EZBBSC.ARJ   BBS System written in Clipper 5+SPCSlib
  FLASH1.ARJ   sample functions for Clipper 5.01
  FRM2PR23.ARJ Making .PRG from .FRM files. REPORT command is no longer needed
  FTCLS2.ARJ   Special Clear screen
  FTTEXT.ARJ   Tbrowse based text file browser
  FTTEXT2.ARJ  FT_Ftext() fix for files over 64k
  FT_DOC.ARJ   Build Norton Guide from Nanforum Toolkit style header
  FXCOL.ARJ    VGA color managment system for Clipper 5.0x
  FXCOLOR.ARJ  FxColor - Create Color and Special Effects on VGA, Norton Guides included,
  F_BRA.ARJ    Editable vertical record browser
  GBROWSE.ARJ  GetBrowse - Browse a file from within a READ
 .GETPP.ARJ    Get System Plus Plus - Replacement for GET/READ system
  GGTSYS.ARJ   Clipper 5.01, emulate the @Z function of Summer 87
  GL101.ARJ    Graphics Language for Clipper 5.01 (need dGE 4.1)
  GPLUS.ARJ    Upgrade GET system for 5.0x
  GRUMP_NG.ARJ Grumpfish Library database for Norton Guides
 .GSR151.ARJ   Multifile Global Search and Replace 1.51
 .HGLASS.ARJ   Hour glass indicator of your reindexing
 .HILITO.ARJ   HiLite Tokens for hotkey function
  HOST.ARJ     Zmodem transfers of files
  HOTGET.ARJ   Activate Hotkey from within a GET, Clipper 5.01 source
 .HOTKEY.ARJ   Searches for an unique letter (hotkey) in an array
  HOTMENU.ARJ  Replacement for @...Prompt with hotkey ability, Clipper 5.01 source
  HP2.ARJ      HP Laserjet II support for Clipper, source
  HPLJLIB.ARJ  HP Laserjet library, source
  INDXSL.ARJ   Index selection function written for Cl 5.0
  INF_DB.ARJ   Convert of Informix database into .DBF format
  INKEY.ARJ    Inkey bug and workaround, Inkey() replacement
  IONET.ARJ    Simple Clipper Code generator
  JBBS2_02.ARJ JBBS Source for Jbbs v2.02f (serveur en
  JBBSKIT.ARJ  JBBS Start-up kit for Jbbs
  JBBSMSG.ARJ  JBBS Imports & renumbers Jbbs messages
  JBBSUTL.ARJ  JBBS Jbbsutil.Exe and source
  JFILE.ARJ    JBBS Load files into Jbbs one at a time
 .JG2.ARJ      Jump 2 another Get, UDC
  JMAIL253.ARJ JBBS Jmail - sysop off-line reader for Jbbs
  JUMP2G.ARJ   Jump to another Get - Update
 .KF_LOKUP.ARJ Great LookUp function for Clipper 5.01
  KILLRJAY.ARJ JBBS Auto-Kills offensive msgs in Jbbs
  LIBCAT.ARJ   NanForum List of CLipper (and other) related files
  LIEF06.ARJ   -=Description Missing=-
  LIVING.ARJ   The Living Application: Techniques for Writing Durable Code
  LJPRT2.ARJ   Great .PRG for HP - PCL4, shadows, lines, boxes, text and more !
  LJPRT3.ARJ   LaserJet Printer driver for Clipper
  LOADER.ARJ   JBBS Loads all file areas for Jbbs
  LREC.ARJ     Logical record number inside of index function
 .LUIZ0991.ARJ Recent TBROWSE examples from Luiz Quintella - GREAT STUFF!
  MEMBER.ARJ   Checks if user is member of a Netware Group
  MENU.ARJ     demo de menus avec Class(y). POO ...!
  MK30.ARJ     Preview of MK.Lib 3.0, Mouse support
  MOUSEL10.ARJ Mouse demo for Clipper using OOP
  MOVEGETS.ARJ Examples of the new object GETs in Cl 5.0
 .MSWIN.ARJ    Test of presence MSWindow from inside of Clipper
  NDX101.ARJ   Patch file to update DBFNDX Lib to v1.01
  NETIO.ARJ    5.0x CLIPPER functions for Locking in Network
  NETUSE.AR0   Net Use function
  NETUSE.ARJ   Netuse() function, latest release !
  NETWRK.ARJ   Netware API Functions and Revised RegTest()
  NEWLCKS2.ARJ New set of file/record locking functions
  NEWLOCKS.ARJ CLIPPER locking functions for locking in Network. GOOD!
  NFLIBX.ARJ   Changed MENU1.PRG of NanForum Toolkit
  NLOGOS2.ARJ  Nantucket Logos to include in Programs
 .NOTATION.ARJ Hungarian notation used for CLipper by Nantucket. Complete description
  NT2US2.ARJ   US Nantucket Tools II Revision B Version 1.02 Update
 .NTXBAR.ARJ   Creates status bar for Index/Pack by hooking the timer intrerrupt - ASM
  NTXPOS.ARJ   Signal position of record, relative to index (Z2 re-hatch)
  NTXREC.ARJ   scrolling bars on index (library + norton guide included) shareware
  NUGETS.ARJ   5.0x Sample of modification of GETSYS
  NUMFILES.ARJ Returns setting of FILES= in config.sys
  OBJDEMO1.ARJ 5.0x demonstration how to create object in CLipper, file1
  OBJDEMO2.ARJ 5.0x demonstration how to create object in Clipper  file2
 .OCLIP1A.ARJ  o:Clip v1Object Oriented Extension to Clipper 5.01
  ONOTES.ARJ   5.0x  Some usefull Tbrowse Object notes
  ONTICK.ARJ   Call Clipper UDF on time intervall, ASM, C, Clipper source
  OOP10.ARJ    object oriented library using undoc fnc.
  OOPEXM.ARJ   OOP real world program, traditional, hybrid version
 .OOPSCL5.ARJ  Clipper 5 OOPS functions and demo.
  OVERCL.ARJ   Summer 87 overlaying probably
  OVLLIS.ARJ   Overlaying of Clipperlibraries
 .PACKUP.ARJ   Replacement for SaveScreen() & RestScreen(), uses less memory, ASM
  PACMAN.ARJ   Update V 1.2 . Replace : PACK, ZAP, REINDEX ( Shared or Exclusive)
 .PARTIDX3.ARJ Partial Index v3.0
  PBACK.ARJ    BACKUP/RESTORE written fully in Clipper
  PDXVIE.ARJ   View Paradox files from Clipper
  PICKLI.ARJ   PickList based on current get object
  PICKLIST.ARJ Pop-Up picklist - validate a GET field with a DBF
  PLAYS.ARJ    Fill keyboard buffer with macros ({Enter},{Esc},{Alt-F1},...) limited to 1k
 .POPUPCAL.ARJ PopUp Calender
 .POSTPRNT.ARJ Prints ASCII-Text on postscript printer
  PRFCRAIG.ARJ Demo programs for Clipper
 .PRINTSUP.ARJ Printer BIOS function for Clipper 5.01
  PROFIL.ARJ   Profiler for CLipper
  PRTSCF.COM   Who knows, some print screen fix
  PUSHBU.ARJ   Push buttons with pop-out action
  PWRMAKE.ARJ  PwrMake automate make/link files for projects
  RADIOB.ARJ   Example, Radio Button (5.0)
  READPW.ARJ   Password reader for Clipper 5.01, uses GETSYS, source
  READPWD.ARJ  Patch GETSYS (to read a password)
  RECASE.ARJ   transform in upp.case clipper keywords
 .REGTEST.ARJ  Register test - uses NanForum Lib
 .REPLCH.ARJ   Replace character strings from source string - C source
  REPORT.ARJ   Report Class for Clipper (Germany)
  RPTCLI.ARJ   Report Writer pour 5.01 (Linkable), Support Multi-Users, Imprimantes Laser
  RRCNF.ARJ    R&r connaitres les imprimantes
  SAFE.ARJ     Putting 'global' data into static array, no need of PRIVATE variables!
  SAVEKE.AR0   Save all SETKEY settings and restore later
  SCORDI.ARJ   Data Dictionary examples
 .SCRSAVE.ARJ  SCRSAVE() 1.0 - Screensaver, a colored Novell worm
  SCR_SAVE.ARJ Another ScreenSaver - Uses Nantucket Tools II
  SEEKFIX.ARJ  Hm, has to be a FIX for 5.01 and SEEK+FOUND() problem
  SENDFA.ARJ   Connection Coprocessor FAX board communication with Clipper
 .SHADO.ARJ    Another Shadow function
  SHADOW.ARJ   sobra para ventanas en clipper
  SHIRLEY.ARJ  Select multiple records in browse window
 .SHOWANSI.ARJ PRG to disp char MEMVAR w/embedded ANSI codes
  SNAKE.ARJ    Novell like Snake as ScreenSaver
 .SNAP50.ARJ   Snap 5.0 - Source code analyzer for xBase languages
  SNAPNANF.ARJ Snap v5 Nanforum Key file
 .SOUND.ARJ    Sound() function based on Tone(), incl. .ch header file
  STAT11.ARJ   Status bar, during pack or reindex
  STD_CH.ARJ   5.01  Norton Guide from STD.CH definitions
  STRUCT.ARJ   Pseudo C structures for Clipper 5.01
  SWAPSTR.ARJ  SwapStr() - make string changes fast, C source
  SYBEX.ARJ    Some examples from Clipper book by Sybex
  SYMBOL.ARJ   Will build and print a list of all Symbols used by a Cl EXE.
  TBCAL.CH     Header file for Tbrowse calendar
  TBEDIT.ARJ   TbEdit - a functional replaceent for DbEdit, Clipper 5.01 source
  TBMULTI.ARJ  MULTILINE TBROSE OBJECT, Way to make a more lines per one record
  TBPRINT.ARJ  Tbrowse Print Function Revision 1
  TBPRN1.ARJ   Tbrowse Printing
  TBPRNT.ARJ   Tbrowse Printing
 .TBUNIQUE.ARJ Unique TBrowse without unique index
 .TBWHL4.ARJ   Tbrowse with WHILE condition
  TICK1.ARJ    Clipper function to execute a function every X seconds
 .TICKER.ARJ   Attach Clipper function to system clock
  TJ_CAL.ARJ   calender. Just drawing calender on screen
  TMOGET.ARJ   How to manage TimeOut during a Get without modify GETSYS.PRG
  TTSBCC.ARJ   C and ASM source (+obj) for transaction processes in a network
  TW150L.ARJ   TSDWIN Window Library v1.50, Shareware $75
  TW150N.ARJ   TSDWIN Window Library v1.50 Norton Guides
  TXTBRO.ARJ   Browse text
  U-MEMO.ARJ   5.0x How to limit the size of MEMOFIELDS.
  UDO.ARJ      cr.ation de vos propres classes sous Clipper 5.0x. L'op.rateur d'envoi ':'
  UPDATE1.ARJ  87,5.0x UPDATE databases and indexes programmer/end user program
  VIEWTEXT.ARJ View a text file with this tiny Clipper function
  VNTX.ARJ     5.0x Function for test index file for corruption!
  VS_804.ARJ   Vern Six Clipper ToolBox v8.04
  WHOAMI.ARJ   WHOAMI() est r.dig. en 'C' , return Login Name of workstation
  WIN2.ARJ     5.0 Windowing system for Clipper. GOOD EXAMPLE for taking a look
  WINDOW.ARJ   -=Description Missing=-
  WORKBASE.ARJ -=Description Missing=-
  WORKING.ARJ  How to use objects in 5.0x (very good)
  WORM.ARJ     The Worm - Screen Saver
  WORM2.ARJ    Nice Novell Like WORM on your screen
  WRDPRF.ARJ   5.0x Make WordPerfect MAIL MERGE file generation from CLIPPER
  ZCLIP5.ARJ   Zclip, compile + link include : preprocessor, macros, all linkers, create .
 .ZIP2BAR.ARJ  Generates USPS barcodes from zipcodes for Epson printers
  EXPAND53.ARJ Expand Library v3.00 for Clipper 5.01
  VERTDI.ARJ   vertical @say function, source included
  TBAR.ARJ     show a single highlight bar in a Tbrowse, uses nanfor.lib
  RLIB30.ARJ   RLIB version 3.0 for Clipper 5.01, shareware toolbox, nice
  C501A.ARJ    Clipper 5.01a bugfix-update (american version only !)
  POSTSCRI.ARJ Postscript unter Clipper
  RM501A.EXE   RMAKE Update Patch for Clipper 5.01a (american version only !)
  ASPENFUN.ARJ ASPEN - Clipper for Windows 3.x
  SAVEKE.ARJ   a clipper written function to save setkey()'s
  ASEFIX.ARJ   Update patch for Dr.Switch-Ase, when using Blinker 2.0x
  BLINK201.ARJ Update Blinker v2v2.01
  BLI201NG.ARJ Update patch Norton Guides for Blinker 22.01
  NTX2.ARJ     updated versions of NTXPOS and NTXREC (C source and .obj modules) 09/30/92
  PROF501A.ARJ .obj module to use with clipper 5.01a and cl-professional-libraries
  FPCLIP.EXE   Send fax from within Clipper (shareware $ 25), CAS/Intel,SatisFAXion suppor

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson