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 File Name:      GSR151.ARJ
 Other Names:

 File Size:      140,879 bytes
 File Contents:
                 GSR.DOC           16478
                 GSR.EXE          148300
                 GSR.SDA            1552
                 GSRAVOID.DBF        141

 This, big set of files, is really needed utility of Clipper programmer.
 Global search and replace.

 GSR now works on ANY size file. You may select a single file, or a group of
 files to operate on. You specify what text to look for, and what text to
 replace it with. Your search can be either case sensitive or not. You may
 either view each occurance, to verify the change, or have GSR automatically
 make all replacements for you.

 The search and/or replace string can be read from a disk file allowing you
 to search for and replace binary or text strings made with your choice of
 editor. In any case, if you choose to make the replacements, your original
 file will be saved with the extension .GSR. Subsequent changes will
 increment the .GSR extension, with up to 99 changes kept on any single file
 name. Like .gsr .gs1 .gs2 up to .g99

 Find all occurances of any text and replace it with other text.  Rename an
 existing variable across many programs.  Change a copyright notice.
 Change a client name when you are recycling code.  and many more.....

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson