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 File Name:      SCRSAVE.ARJ
 Other Names:

 File Size:      2,694 bytes
 File Contents:
                 SCRSAVE.DOC         580
                 SCRSAVE.OBJ        2585
                 SCRTEST.PRG         149

 Screen save function... No, it's not interrupt driven function which is
 saving your screen in case of inactivity of program, it's nice function
 which one can call when will detect inactivity by own. Supplied is ONLY
 .OBJ code, not source code.

 I was trying to link it, but It's giving unresolved external symbols like
 MILLISEC, KEYSEC... For sure they are NOT coming from Clipper 5.01, nor
 from standard libraries. .OBJ code is telling that it's for 5.01 version of

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