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 File Name:      DBSCN2.ARJ
 Other Names:

 File Size:      162,837 bytes
 File Contents:
                 DBSCREEN.DOC      21646
                 DBSCREEN.EXE     346112

 Clipper .PRG screen designer generator. Complex program which is
 offering capabilities similar to FoxView program (for FOXBASE
 fans). Result of your work with this program is screen definition
 for your application, together with not only string, just
 database fields are included (memory variables also). From this
 definition is generated .PRG file for direct using in your
 Clipper application.

 Sample of generated code is:
             // dbscreen work file work
             if iscolor()
             @ 00,00 say "This is a sample screen"
             @ 02,29 say "Centered line (ALT C)"
             @ 04,00 say "Box Draw"
             @ 07,00 say "Extended chars"
             @ 08,03 say "DBF FILE select , field select"
             @ 04,09 to 05,23 double
             @ 08,34 get M->TEST
             if iscolor()

 It's as everyone can see for use in Clipper 5.01 at all.

 Personally i will prefer still my copy of FoxView for doing
 paintings, but for someone starting from scratch can be this
 utility nice.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson