Paul Nolan's Photogenics
How to Purchase Photogenics
[ Last update: 15th July 1999 ]

Photogenics 4.1 is now shipping and is priced at just $99.99, or $75 if upgrading. You can securely order online with your credit card by clicking here, or by calling the StarByte order hotline toll free on 1 800 243 1515, extension 400. Outside of Northern America, please prefix this number with the digits necessary for calling America (00 from the UK), and note that international call charges will apply. This number is staffed by live operators during US business hours, but has an automated order taking system in place at all other times.

If upgrading, you will need your registration code, type it into the field labelled Comments or tell the salesperson.

Please note that the person taking your call will not be able to answer any technical questions, they are only there to take your order, you must email Paul Nolan if you have any questions. Please do not call this number unless you have your credit card out and are ready to purchase.

If you would rather not pay by credit card, details for ordering via cheque or money orders are available here, although you wont receive your CD as fast as using the online order form.

In Germany, distribution is courtesy of Schatztruhe.

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