Paul Nolan's Photogenics
Photogenics 4.3 Beta available for download
[ 30th September 1999 ]

A beta release of 4.3 can now be downloaded here for testing purposes. The main new features are pressure sensitive tablet support, improved feedback with each image view now having its own progress bar, a Preview Plugin that shows the results of changing a paint mode's options without having to wait for strips of the image to be processed, and several new paint on image processing modes, namely Threshold, Tile, GaussianBlur and Colourize. Adjust Mode has also been improved. In addition to allowing the Red/Green/Blue/Brightness/Contrast/Gamma values of the image to be tweaked, you can now adjust the Saturation and Hue, making it an extremely powerful mode for colour correction and enhancement.

Rebolized the site
[ 17th September 1999 ]

I`ve changed the way the website is maintained thanks to Carl Sassenrath`s Rebol. I stripped each page to just the bare content, so that now the graphics at the top and the links on the side side and bottom are added by a script, and now all my frame problems are over. Actually its just a hacked version of one of the examples, but this is my first day ;) My next trick will be to try and unify the website with the html documentation.

Illustrations of the Photogenics Paint on Effects
[ 14th September 1999 ]

Text just doesnt do some of the modes in Photogenics justice, so I`ve created a page that demonstrates each one.

Photogenics 4.2 Released!
[ 13th September 1999 ]

Paul Nolan is pleased to announce Photogenics 4.2, another free update to existing users of Photogenics 4.x.

The main new features in 4.2 are Tool Tips for quick and easy explanations of all of the items in the tool bar, a Media Cache for improved Media loading times, and new paint on image processing modes such as: Gamma, Sharpen, UnsharpMask, BizarrePixelize, Randomize, and Channel Randomize. Blur, Convolve and RadialBlur have been rewritten for more speed, features and options. In particular Blur is now incredibly fast. Processing a 50x50 pixel blur on a 800x600 image now takes less than 2 seconds on an 060, with a huge 500x500 pixel blur taking just 3 seconds, and is fast enough to apply with the AirBrush!

Several minor changes include an enhanced Scale with improved quality and feedback, an improved Text tool, a reduction in the memory need by Photogenics by one megabyte (now uses just two megs with no images loaded), various overall speed improvements, keyboard shortcuts for zoom and pan, plus tweaks to the user interface.

Click here for the full press release.
Click here to download the update.

New website design!
[ 13th September 1999 ]
Many thanks to Patrick Beerhorst of SYNOTEC Multimedia and Webdesign for giving this site a much needed facelift.
Online/Credit Card Ordering
[ 17th July 1999 ]
I am now happy to be able to process online orders, and have put a 1-800 sales line in place. Please read the purchase page for all the details.
Photogenics 4.1 now available!
[ 16th July 1999 ]

Paul Nolan is pleased to announce Photogenics 4.1, featuring dozens of new and improved features, more tools, online html help, and rock solid stability. It all adds up to the must have graphics purchase of the year.

Photogenics 4.1 is a free upgrade to users of Photogenics 4.0, please email your name and the email address used when ordering Photogenics to

Photogenics will have a strong presence at both Amiga shows next weekend. Paul Nolan will be at the World of Amiga Show in London giving demonstrations on his stand and hosting several seminars. Rod Volkmar of the South Tahoe Amiga Group will be at AmiWest in Sacramento demonstrating and selling Photogenics in temperatures much higher than someone raised in London can handle.

No, seriously
[ 26th of May 1999 ]

I'm getting married today, so please accept my apologies for any delays caused by my beautiful wife Ela and I relaxing at a spa for a few days :)

Paul Nolan announces the opening of the Photogenics Gallery
[ 2nd of May 1999 ]

Paul Nolan is proud to have on display stunning artwork from several of the Amiga's premiere digital artists. See images from Eric Schwartz, Jan Heinemann, and Rod Volkmar. Also on show are the latest doodlings from the airbrush of Paul Nolan himself.

Click on the Gallery link to enter.

At least I can still program this time..
[ Friday the 13th? no, its only the 8th of April 1999 ]
Could whoever is messing with the Paul Nolan voodoo doll (not available for purchase soon) please stop. First my 4000T blows up, then my spare 4000D doesnt work, my harddrive almost dies on me, and today my monitor tried to catch fire.
Paul Nolans Photogenics 4.0 launched at Gateway Amiga99 show!
[ 12th March 1999 ]

Paul Nolan is proud to announce Photogenics 4.0, a complete rewrite of the original Photogenics, and the culmination of over four years of development.

Photogenics is a graphics/art package. It allows you to create stunning images, either from scratch or by modifying existing images. It can be used for a multitude of purposes, from simple file conversion, to advanced photo manipulation and re-touching. It also offers extremely realistic and easy to use media such as pencils, chalk and watercolours to create stunning masterpieces in minutes.

Photogenics is based on innovation. At its core, it works on images unlike any other product. Nothing you draw is permanent, it can be rubbed out as easily as it was drawn, and tweaked to perfection. This freedom allows you to experiment to a level never before seen.

Please check out all the links on the side bar for more information.

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