Paul Nolan's Photogenics

How to puchase Photogenics

Updated: 11th April 1999

Photogenics is now shipping, and is available direct by mail order or from your local distributor. Upgrades are only available from Paul Nolan Ltd, except in Germany where Schatztruhe will be handling them.

Suggested Retail Price: £59.99, or $99.99 US Dollars.

Upgrade from previous version of Photogenics: £45, or $75 US Dollars.


If upgrading, be sure to include the original Photogenics 1.x Disk1 (make a backup first!), or your Photogenics 2.0 registration number.

Shipping and Handling

The CDs are shipped from San Diego, California, so please allow at least 2 weeks for delivery.

In the USA

 Full Version  $99.99
 Upgrade from 1.x or 2.0  $75
 Shipping and Handling  $5

Preffered payment is a check made out in US Dollars.

In the UK

 Full Version  £59.99
 Upgrade from 1.x or 2.0  £45
 Shipping and Handling  £5

Preffered payment is by cheque.

In Germany

Please contact Schatztruhe.

Stefan Ossowskis Schatztruhe Gesellschaft für Software mbH
Veronikastr. 33 - 45131 Essen - Germany
Phone: ++49-201-788778
Fax ++49-201-798447

Rest Of World

 Full Version  £59.99
 Upgrade from 1.x or 2.0  £45
 Shipping and Handling  £4.99

Money orders are the preffered method of payment for upgrades, but cheques in your local currency are acceptable.

If sending a money order for the upgrade, please ensure the amount does not exceed £50, or your order may be delayed while my bank negotiates the money order.

Please do not send money orders for the full version, you must send a cheque. This is due to very high bank charges and long delays on money orders greater than £50.

Please do not make out "triangular cheques" (such as a cheque made out in US Dollars from a non US bank).

Do not send Sterling Cheques, they are very expensive to bank.

You may calculate the conversion to your local currency online here.


Paul Nolan Limited
37 Somervell Road
South Harrow

0181 422 0610 (UK)
+44 181 422 0610 (Rest of World)

Email: Paul Nolan

Please include your name, address, telephone number, and most importantly, your email address when ordering.

Thank you for your order, your support is much appreciated!

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