WISR 8 Home Page
WISR 8 at Ohio State

Welcome to the WISR 8 repository home page, an archive of the Eighth Annual Workshop on Institutionalizing Software Reuse (WISR), held at the Ohio State University, March 23-26, 1997 . For further information or questions about this site, contact Larry Latour at the University of Maine Department of Computer Science.

The WISR 8 position papers
are available here, in full html text. They are also available in other forms in the Wisr ftp archive below.

The WISR 8 Working group reports
are available here, in full html format.

WISR Historical Overview
A retrospective of the first 7 WISRs, given as a tutorial before the beginning of WISR 8.

The Ohio State University WISR 8 Homepage, with Detailed Workshop Information
is available here, including paper submission, registration, local arrangements, and much more.

The Wisr 7 Papers and Working Group Reports
are available here.

The Wisr 6 Working Group Reports
are available here.

The Wisr ftp archive
containing all Papers and Workshop Info from WISRs 4-8, available in proceedings , in all formats available for each particular paper. There are original laTex papers in tex, dvi, ps, and text format, and MSWord papers in Macintosh Word binhex, rtf, and text. Those who have Word for Windows should be able to interpret the rtf (rich text format) files with minimal problem.

The WISR position paper template
the standard format of WISR positions papers, developed originally by Martin Griss for WISR4 in Palo Alto, CA, 1991.

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