Wisr 8 On-Line Papers

Alain Abran and Marcela Maya
Measurement of Functional Reuse
Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada

Edward Addy
The Application of V&V Within Reuse-Based Software Engineering
NASA/WVU Software Research Laboratory

Valeri N. Agafonov
Reuse of General Specification Notions and Specification Languages
Tver State University. Russia

Dean Allemang
Design Rationale and Reuse
Organon Motives, Inc.

Jeffrey Allen and Larry Latour
If you Can't Reuse, Recycle: A Case Study of a Platform to Platform Port
University of Maine

Steven Atkinson
Examining Behavioural Retrieval
University of Queensland

Sidney C. Bailin
Applying Multi-Media to the Reuse of Design Knowledge
Knowledge Evolution, Inc.

Paolo Bucci
Conceptual Program Editors
The Ohio State University

Greg Butler and Pierre Denommée
Documenting Frameworks
Concordia University, Canada

Rafael Capilla
Application of Domain Analysis to Knowledge Reuse
Universidad de Sevilla, Spain

Yonghao Chen and Betty H. C. Cheng
Formally Specifying and Analyzing Architectural and Functional Properties of Components for Reuse
Michigan State University

Paul C. Clements
Successful Product Line Engineering Requires More Than Reuse
Software Engineering Institute, CMU

Sholom Cohen
Object Technology, Architectures, and Domain Analysis - What's the Connection?
Software Engineering Institute, CMU

Jacob L. Cybulski
Reuse of Early Life-Cycle Artefacts: Reusing Requirements with a Word Processor?
The University of Melbourne, Australia

Krzysztof Czarnecki
Leveraging Reuse Through Domain-Specific Software Architectures
Daimler-Benz AG, Germany

Chrysanthos Dellarocas
Software Component Interconnection Should Be Treated as a Distinct Design Problem
Sloan School of Management, MIT

Stephen H. Edwards, David S. Gibson, Bruce W. Weide, and Sergey Zhupanov
Software Component Relationships
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, and The Ohio State University

David Eichmann
Representing Knowledge in Domain Engineering
University of Houston- Clear Lake

David Fleming and Jim Wagner
Communicating Precise Object Interface Behavior in Complex Domains
West Virginia University and The Ohio State University

Bill Frakes
Automating Domain Engineering (based in part on his WISR7 DARE position paper with Ruben Prieto-Diaz and Chris Fox).
Virginia Tech

Marilyn T. Gaska
The Unification of Reuse, Opens Systems and Concurrent Engineering Concepts in an Architecture Framework
Lockheed Martin Federal Systems-Owego

Rosario Girardi and Bertrand Ibrahim
Software Architectures to Improve the Effectiveness of Reuse Techniques
Engineering College (UCUDAL and UR), and University of Geneva

Ernesto Guerrieri
ZZ Factory
Buzzeo, Inc.

Wayne D. Heym
Program Verification That Is More Like Informal Reasoning than the Traditional Approach
Otterbein College

Joe Hollingsworth
Rethinking Our Answers to Fundamental Engineering Dilemmas
Indiana University Southeast

Lamia Labed Jilani, Rym Mili, and Ali Mili
Approximate Component Retrieval: An Academic Exercise or a Practical Concern?
Regional Institute for Research in Computing and Telecommunications, Tunisia, University of Texas at Dallas, and University of Ottawa

Rebecca L. Joos and Anthony Kram
Reducing Cycle Time

David Kane, David Dikel, and Bill Loftus
A Case Study of Software Architecture Organizational Success Factors
Applied Expertise

Gregor Kiczales
Aspect-Oriented Programming
Xerox PARC

Joan Krone and William F. Ogden
There's a Better Way to Define the Correct Realization Notion
Denison University and The Ohio State University

Oh Cheon Kwon, Cornelia Boldyreff and Malcolm Munro
Integration of a Reuse Process and a Maintenance Process within a Software Configuration Management(SCM) Environment
University of Durham, UK

Wing Lam
Risk Management Techniques for The Transfer of Reuse Technology
University of Hertfordshire, UK

Walker H. Land Jr.,, Michael B. Kachmarik, Feiqiao Wang, Zhen Tian, and Junsheng Zhang
Object Oriented Software Engineering approach to Develop Reusable System Components and Code
Binghamton University

Larry Latour
The Need For A Cognitive Viewpoint on Software Component Understanding
University of Maine

Gary T. Leavens and Clyde Ruby
Specification Facets for More Precise, Focused Documentation
Iowa State University

Pia Maria Maccario
The Domain Analysis Integrated in an Object Oriented Development Methodology

Fred A. Maymir-Ducharme
The Product Line Business Model
USAF CARDS Program, Lockheed Martin

Marjan Mernik, Viljem Zumer
Reusability of formal specifications in programming language description
University of Maribor, Slovenia

Fatma Mili
Problem Solving Reuse: Bridging the gap between concrete problems and mathematical abstractions
Oakland University

James W. Moore
Fundamental Principles of Software Reuse
The MITRE Corporation

Ralph D. (Butch) Neal
The Measurement of Reusable Software Artifacts
NASA/WVU Software Research Laboratory

William F. Opdyke
Object-Oriented Refactoring, Legacy Constraints and Reuse
Bell Laboratories - Innovations for Lucent Technologies

Youwen Ouyang and Doris L. Carver
Creation of Reusable Components Based on Formal Methods
Louisiana State University

Allen Parrish, David Cordes, David Hale, Joanne Hale, and Shane Sharpe
Software Component Test Cases: The Need for a Conceptual Taxonomy
The University of Alabama

John Penix and Perry Alexander
Component Reuse and Adaptation at the Specification Level
University of Cincinnati

Christopher W. Pidgeon
Organizing and Enabling Domain Engineering to Facilitate Software Maintenance
Semantic Designs, Inc.

Jeffrey S. Poulin
Software Architectures, Product Lines, and DSSAs: Choosing the Appropriate Level of Abstraction
Lockheed Martin Federal Systems

Eric V. Price
Organizational Culture and Behavioral Issues Affecting Software Reuse

A. L. N. Reddy
Storage Considerations in Reusable Interface Design
Netscape Communications Corporation

Michael D. Rice and Stephen B. Seidman
Using Architectural Style to Support Software Understanding and Reuse
Wesleyan University and Colorado State University

Johannes Sametinger
Component Interoperation
Johannes Kepler University, Austria

Mark A. Simos
Lateral Domains: Beyond Product-Line Thinking
Organon Motives, Inc.

Murali Sitaraman
Conventional Domain Analysis Limits Reusability
West Virginia University

Patrick Steyaert, Carine Lucas, and Kim Mens
Reuse Contracts: Making Systematic Reuse a Standard Practice
Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Ewan Tempero and Robert Biddle
Modelling the Checkability of Reusable Code
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

Daniel Trump
Using the WWW and the Internet to Support Corporate Reuse
Lexis-Nexis Corporation

Lee J. White and Khalil Abdullah
Elements of Reuse and Regression Testing of Object-Oriented Software
Case Western Reserve University

S. A. White and C. Lemus
Architecture Reuse through a Domain Specific Language Generator
University of Houston-Clear Lake